Prayer Poem

Power Of Prayer Poem

I wrote this poem in a time of my life when I was feeling insecure. I needed confirmation that God was still in my life. I was looking at my life in dismay, feeling lonely and worried. I felt inspired by prayer to talk to God and write down my thoughts while sitting on my porch. Words came to mind as God spoke to me, and I put these words down on paper. I hope this poem inspires you as well.

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Oh, I like this poem very much. It will continue to be an inspirational poem for years to come. Keep up the good work. :) It made my day and gave me tears of joy.

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A Gentle Breeze


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2011 with permission of the Author.

As I sit here all alone admiring the view of an early sunrise,                                                                     
I tilt my head back and close my eyes.
A soft gentle breeze crosses my face.
I look around and enjoy the quietness of God's peace and the soft gentle pace.
The trees are in full bloom, the leaves ready to fall.
God's beauty of earth, I admire it all.
As the sun comes up and begins a new day,
I sit here quietly and begin to pray.
Dear God, I begin to say, please watch over my life and keep me safe.
Give me hope and show me faith.
Guide my path and let me know you are near.
Allow me to be strong and filled with love, for love conquers all fear.
A gentle breeze crosses my path and gives me a slight chill.
God answers and says: I am with you still.
I've never left you alone or threw you aside, I am in your heart, I will be your guide.
I will show you the way to master life's difficulties and trust your heart,
For I am with you now and forever, I shall never part.
A gentle breeze I feel again, I know my prayers are answered, God has heard my plea.
He has pointed this out for me to see.
Life has many surprises each and every day. We cannot live on regrets and sorrow.
Once again I feel a gentle breeze, which means God is saying:
My child, there is a tomorrow:
The sun will shine once again, the birds will continue to sing.
Memories will last forever, and enjoy life anew today, and all that it may bring.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Catherine Pena by Catherine Pena
  • 8 years ago

Oh, I like this poem very much. It will continue to be an inspirational poem for years to come. Keep up the good work. :) It made my day and gave me tears of joy.

  • Mary by Mary, Nicosia Cyprus
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for imparting your divine, meditative moments with God.
Your poem has come to me at a most critical time in my life, a time when all hope and purpose seem to be lost. Yet "through it all" we are reminded time and time again that HE never forsakes us: "I've never left you alone, or threw you aside, I am in your heart, I will be your guide. I will show you the way to master life's difficulties, and trust your heart, For I am with you now and forever, I shall never part." FEAR's greatest enemy is FAITH, a state of the soul where only love can abide!

  • Raquel by Raquel, Madera
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem!! It's so peaceful and flows beautifully just like a nice fall breeze!!! Thank you I really enjoyed reading it!! It warmed my heart and filled it with comfort!!!

  • Elsa Rosenfeld by Elsa Rosenfeld
  • 11 years ago

This poem touched the way I feel at times. But as the creator of the poem did, she turned to God and so do I. One verse in the Bible I love is: Isaiah 43:18-19, Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I (God) am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

  • Rammohan Potturi by Rammohan Potturi, Hyderabad
  • 11 years ago

I like this poem. It is a sincere submission before God Almighty, TRUE, every one of us experience this at certain point of time. We need "that" support.
A silent prayer does that. God always helps, we acknowledge only sometimes...

  • Sylvia Kilmartin by Sylvia Kilmartin, Eagleville Pa
  • 11 years ago

The poem was great it helped me with my depression that I'm going through.

  • Kathy Martinez by Kathy Martinez, Nj
  • 12 years ago

I loved this poem you captured the simplicity of just speaking to the lord and how he answers in so many ways. I loved it so much I shared it on my Facebook wall.

  • Timothy O. by Timothy O.
  • 13 years ago

A wonderful piece Laurie has here. I love the understated lines the most, namely:
"He has pointed this out for me to see.
Life has many surprises each and every day.
We cannot live on regrets and sorrow.
Once again I feel a gentle breeze
which means God is saying:
My child there is a tomorrow:
The sun will shine once again,
the birds will continue to sing.
Memories will last forever,
and enjoy life a new today,
and all that it may bring."
They have giving me so many hours of comfort & pleasure.
They have spoken for themselves.

  • Pegi Ackerman by Pegi Ackerman, Yakima
  • 13 years ago

I enjoyed the poem, "A Gentle Breeze"

I sent this to a Priest friend who is very ill because it seemed so comforting to me. I know he will enjoy reading it. He went back to the mid-West to visit his daughter for Christmas, and he collapsed, and is still in the Hospital. He is a true friend and has always been there for us and anybody else who needs him. He also has cancer, and lives way above that disease, and never complains. This poem I felt to be just what he needs. Pegi

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