Prayer Poem

A Prayer For A Friend With Anxiety

I composed this prayer poem for a friend who is suffering from anxiety. Many of my friends who are sick both physically and emotionally also asked for a copy of it. It's a prayer for people who are worried about their health conditions and are filled with doubts and fears. It's a prayer poem of hope and faith. May my prayer poem inspire you to trust in the miracle of prayer and in God's healing love.

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Yes! It's a poem which make us believe that someone is above us. Who is watching our deeds, who is worried about us. Truly this poem is so touchy that it has filled my wounded heart with the...

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Healing Love

© more by Jocelyn S. Ongdico

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2011 with permission of the Author.

Oh Great God, You alone can ease
The pounding of my troubled heart.
Only with You I am at peace,
For You make all my fears depart.

Comfort me with Your blazing love
And pacify my worried soul.
Your grace of love from up above
Is healing love that makes me whole.

Cast away all my doubts and fears,
And lift my downcast spirit, Lord.
Please let my heart be brought to cheer
By Your comforting love and Word.

My body and mind may be frail,
But your healing love keeps me strong.
Your love will never ever fail,
So to me, nothing will go wrong.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Aatif by Aatif
  • 10 years ago

Yes! It's a poem which make us believe that someone is above us. Who is watching our deeds, who is worried about us. Truly this poem is so touchy that it has filled my wounded heart with the Love of God. I Love you so very much God for all the tests and helps throughout.

  • Zakiah Miles Cole by Zakiah Miles Cole
  • 10 years ago

First thing I like to say is Life is what you make it, sometimes we take a lot of negative, I learned that it's not good for us as people, I learned that pray can help you become positive with self and with others. Think you can do better and you Will so I say learn pray. And treat yourself and others good. Don't give up.

  • Russell by Russell
  • 13 years ago

God please heip my brother, and his family to, find peace, health and wealth...Thank You Lord

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