Spiritual Poem about Death

Mother Explains Heaven To Her Dying Son Poem

A mother explains heaven to her dying son. Do not miss this one; it is truly beautiful.
Dedicated to the Memory of 7 yr old, Ellis Mayfield, of Simpsonville, SC, who fought a 1 1/2 year battle with an inoperable brain tumor. He received the SC Governor's Outstanding Leadership and Citizenship Award for his unfailing bravery and courage...a little boy who kept laughing and loving... 'til the very end.

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This is the most heartfelt, beautifully written, and touching piece of literature I have ever read and best poem I have ever come across and I have read thousands and thousands. Your words...

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To Our Ellis


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

How does a loving mother explain
Heaven to her dying child?
Please give me the words, O Lord, and
let me say them with a smile...
There is a place called heaven, Son,
beyond the skies above,
It is the place where GOD is watching,
His heart so full of love.
He watches all His children, Son,
He watches you and me,
He wants to know we love Him, and
hopes that we will be...
Always strong and healthy, always
kind and free!
But sometimes things do happen, Son,
and sickness takes a hold,
It might be something serious, it
might be just a cold.
GOD sends His special angels,
to watch over us and pray,
And by our side they linger, they
are never far away.
They lift us up on angels' wings when
we are all too weak,
And, oh!, they pray so softly, Son,
with gentle whispers do they speak.
So, have no fear, my darling, should
GOD come to take you home,
For it is up there in that heaven,
Son, where you will run and laugh
and roam!
You will hear that angel choir rejoice
in praises to the LORD,
And my darling precious child, you
never will be sick again...
No, never, anymore!!
But, most of all, you will meet the
King, our Saviour, your Best Friend,
oh my!,
If I could see him take your hand, I
know that I would cry!!
You have fought so long, you gave your
all..GOD says it's time to rest,
We will always love and miss you, Ellis,
but GOD...He knows what's best!


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All these years later and these words resonate as strongly as they did when this little boy died. There's no greater human love than a mother and child.

  • Elvis  K. Osongo by Elvis K. Osongo
  • 7 years ago

Indeed it's so painful
Losing a son whom you gave your all
Who had a promising future
Now in your presence can't feature
Only the Creator of the universe knows why
So we should not away from Him shy
For He has the best reasons why
Some things turn unexpected no matter how much we try
Take heart, mom
Be calm, mom

  • Jojo2000 by Jojo2000
  • 7 years ago

This is the most heartfelt, beautifully written, and touching piece of literature I have ever read and best poem I have ever come across and I have read thousands and thousands. Your words and the love and selflessness you have towards God and losing your young son truly lets the reader see inside your heart and inside your beautiful soul. I am not an overly emotional person, and I hate to read, but God lead me to your poem to make me see I'm in the wrong. How can I be angry at him for taking my husband away for a long time from me because I have a newborn and don't know how I'm going to do all this on my own. But if you can lose your own son and lift him up to him then who am I to feel any kind of way? I was looking for him some religious and inspirational poems to send to him to keep him strong. I want to send him this and say just when we or someone thinks they have it bad there are a million others who have it so much worse. GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR SON RIP SWEETIE & THANK YOU for sharing your poem :)

  • 8 years ago

I’m not a mom yet…just a sister and a daughter, but this poem sure brought tears down my cheeks. As much as I try to feel what you feel, I know I can’t feel it totally. I can only imagine losing my mum, dad, or sibling. No, I don’t even want to think of it, but I can only imagine the pain of bringing a child into this world and the pain of watching him go. God loves you and your son. He’s up there, grateful he had a mum like you. Take heart priceless woman. Accept my condolences, strong mother because you fought the battle with him, but never say you lost because you are still victorious.

  • Jenna Lovejoy by Jenna Lovejoy
  • 9 years ago

I am so very sorry for your loss!! However, fear not precious mother because Heaven is for real!! That movie really helped me to remember that I knew that. I am a mother, born with a rare liver condition. Only a liver transplant will save me. And now I am being told I have now entered stage 2 of liver failure. I am dying and there is very little I can do to help myself. And, then I remember, God loved me so much He gave me a beautiful daughter. She is the Grace God so lovingly entrusted in my hands and the reason I care enough to breathe. He sent her to me and now I can die peacefully, but don't want to anymore. But, with no real way to pay for my surgery + expenses; I fear my baby girl will not have her mother much longer. My ETA is 10 more years. Yes, there's medicine & docs. And then comes God.

  • John Terah by John Terah
  • 8 years ago

I am really touched by this poem, and it has made me love the Lord almighty.

  • NoOneParticular by NoOneParticular
  • 9 years ago

I am still young, but let me say this: God bless you and may God look after your son in heaven.

  • Saad Rahman by Saad Rahman, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • 9 years ago

This poem makes me remind of my cousin who died last year!! It is a wonderful poem ...Brought tears in my eyes !!

  • Tara by Tara, GA
  • 9 years ago

I am very sorry about your loss. As a mother of a son this brings me to tears. Your son is in God's hands and is in a better place than all of us. God has a plan and your son fulfilled a great purpose while he was on this earth. He touched people and even now by you sharing this testimony your son is still touching people. The Lord is in control even when it seems like our world is upside down. Earth has no sorrow that God cannot heal. I will pray for you. God bless you and keep you.

  • Gerry Smith by Gerry Smith
  • 9 years ago

I lost my daughter 3 years ago to lung cancer. I feel your pain and everyone else's. Ashlyn was sweet and perfect. It's hard. God bless you.

  • Shanthi Thayanidhi by Shanthi Thayanidhi, India
  • 9 years ago

This poem touched me deeply. We lost our only son on 20th may 2012 just after his 28th birthday. The message was received on his mother's birthday.The sudden and unexpected loss is a heavy load for us to bear. We thought we can live with him till our end.We console ourselves hoping that he left us before because he can not bear our loss before him.some times we cry; some times we laugh. Life is not the same after his loss.

  • Annette by Annette, New Mexico
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched my heart and is very beautifully written! I too lost my only son to brain cancer. Isaiah was 24 years old, healthy, smart, kindhearted, loving and my whole world. On valentines day 2012 he went to the ER due to 4 days of bad headaches. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor (glioblastoma). Tumor was removed. Isaiah was optimistic, strong willed and said he would fight to beat this cancer. He had a lot of faith in God and didn't give up. February 2013, the cancer came back (full force). Isaiah didn't lose faith it only got stronger. He was an inspiration to so many. He never complained about anything. In June 2013 he went from walking to a wheel chair to bedridden and then admitted into ICU in Aug. Isaiah peacefully went with God and his angels Aug 15, 2013. To Ellis's mother: I share your pain. It's very difficult to live each day without our sons. I thank you for the beautiful poem! Thank you for touching my heart! Your in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Sharon by Sharon, Essex
  • 12 years ago

My beautiful boy, was 21 he no longer wanted to live. He took his life. But didn't say why myself I can't forgive, I watched him grow take his first steps talk his first words, take him to school, and taught him how to swim, my darling son wanted to marry me when he grew up, I've lost him now my heart is broken never to mend , my grandchildren are a blessing but looking at there faces , I see my boy every where every day I'm so sorry I couldn't make it all better for you love you so much mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcx

  • Angie by Angie, Md
  • 12 years ago

I loved this poem I had my 5 year old pass a year ago from cancer, brain cancer. His fight ended last MAY 2011-He was the strongest person I ever knew he always had a smile on his face, until the end, I never could bring myself to tell him he was dying but he would tell me all the time Mommy I'm dying. Broke my heart when he would say that. I will never understand, Why he had to go through what he did but I do know that his not in pain anymore. Thanks for listing to my story.

  • Bella A by Bella A, . Philippines
  • 13 years ago

The poem is beautifully written. It showed how a mother really loved his child as she was very much assured that he will be with God in heaven. I remember my mother 2 years ago, before he breathed her last and I asked her what she sees. She said, a narrow road alongside white, beautiful fragrant flowers with bright light... And I told her, follow the light, mom, and that will lead you to God in Heaven. So, she did and I believed that she is now in Heaven with the angels and saints, worshipping God day and night. Miss you mom!
Thanks for your beautiful poem! God bless you.

  • M.V. Aubrey by M.V. Aubrey, Victoria
  • 13 years ago

I am very touched with this poem and I would share my sympathy with you and family. I am 28 year old and not yet a mother, but when I read this poem I can't imagine what will be happen to me if I was in her situation. God Help her.

  • Tremayne by Tremayne, London
  • 13 years ago

Oh My Word that poem brought tears to my eyes, you have my condolences my dear. I am 17 years old and I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through, but you are brave to write this poem and I was honored to read it. I am a twin and I have a 8 year old brother and I know that I wouldn't be able to do what you do, you my dear are truly brave. Again my condolences. May God be watching over you.

  • Tat'Yana  Russia by Tat'Yana Russia
  • 13 years ago

I've lost two my sons. They were ill. They had diabetes. Nothing and nobody can help them. I can understand you, I have compassion on you, sob violently. It's very hard to live further. Remember everything and live, knowing that your child is somewhere...where?

  • Shannon by Shannon, Texas
  • 13 years ago

This is a beautiful poem. As a mother of two, I can't imagine the sadness you must feel. Just remember, little Ellis will be waiting for you to join him. God Bless you.

  • Sherrie Home by Sherrie Home
  • 13 years ago

well this brought some tears to my eyes.. one of my great friends is in a battle with breast cancer and it is getting ready to take her life.. when I read this poem all I could think about was her...
I must also say for you to write this poem I can only imagine what you are going through in real life. this poem is wonderful and I am very saddened for your loss.. may god bless you in the future.. and you will be with your precious Ellis one day..

  • Brayan by Brayan, Kenya Africa
  • 14 years ago

I was just going through story and I must say that I am deeply touched, encouraged and also learn a lot....I know of this man known as God who will neither leave us or forsake us and he is always there for us.......Thank you and may GOD expand your boundaries even as you get to share about your experience

  • Live by Live, Mafi
  • 14 years ago

I'm sorry for what happened.....reading this story brought back memories about my grandmother whom I've lost a week ago....she was old and I told her about heaven a place where angels rejoice and this poem reminds me of that....how lovely it is for us to express our love through such wonderful poems on the internet and heal other souls too. Thank you

I am in tears right now, that was so beautiful and so heartbreaking at the same time.
I could never say how sorry I am for your loss, I am a mother of two and I have no idea what I would ever do if something like that happened to me, I don't even want to imagine it or what you have been going through.
Please know your son is watching down on you and is so very thankful for all the love and care you gave to him, he will always be with you, and I am also sure he would love this poem with his whole heart!!! I know I do. Again my thoughts and prayers are with you as you have had to go through what no parent should ever have to!

  • Ronnie Hunter by Ronnie Hunter
  • 16 years ago

this is truly beautiful and from my own experience of losing a child so true how do you explain their leaving while your hearts breaking well done and god bless

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