Poems With Similes

Published: November 2018

Similes are a form of figurative language that use the words "like" or "as" to compare two things. Similes are a writing technique used by poets and all writers to create rich imagery and memorable connections for their readers. Writers use similes to enhance descriptions of feelings, experiences or objects by comparing them vividly to something else.

Learn more: What are Similes And Metaphors In Poetry?

17 Simile Poems - Examples Of Popular Poems That Use Similes

  1. Friends

    Famous Poem

    Abbie Farwell Brown was an American author who lived from 1871-1927. While attending the Girls' Latin School, she created a school newspaper, The Jabberwock, which is still being published today. In the poem "Friends," Brown shares that even things in nature can be children's friends, giving them comfort whenever they fear.

    in Famous Children Poems

    How good to lie a little while
    And look up through the tree!
    The Sky is like a kind big smile
    Bent sweetly over me.


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  2. Harlem

    Famous Poem

    We all dream of what we want to experience in life, but what happens when those dreams are put on hold or ignored? That’s what Langston Hughes attempts to answer in this poem. None of the possibilities are positive, making the reader realize the importance of pursuing dreams. Langston Hughes was a key contributor during the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s. He wrote many poems about what life was like for African Americans.

    in Famous Poems

    What happens to a dream deferred?

    Does it dry up
    like a raisin in the sun?


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    A wonderful poem by Langston Hughes, some dreams drift off with the morning mist, others come through if one persists..... A dream differed is a dream put on hold until the time comes for...

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  4. The Importance Of A Sister

    • By Shiv Sharma
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

    Why I love my sister...

    in Sister Poems

    Analysis of Form and Technique

    A sister is someone who loves you from the heart.
    No matter how much you argue, you cannot be drawn apart.
    She is a joy that cannot be taken away.
    Once she enters your life, she is there to stay.

    Why I Love My Sister Poem, The Importance Of A Sister

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    I was 9 when I first found out I have a sister. I remember I would dream of knowing her and that someday we would met. I used to watch other children play with their sisters and think to...

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  5. A Family Is Like A Circle

    • By Nicole M. O'Neil
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

    What is a family? Each of the first 3 stanzas uses a different simile to explain how deep and lasting the connection between family members is. Similies are figures of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds, using the word like or as.

    in Loving Poems about Family

    A family is like a circle.
    The connection never ends,
    and even if at times it breaks,
    in time it always mends.

    A Family Is Like A Circle

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    I enjoyed reading this poem. The poet uses relevant and strong similes that remain in the reader's mind. There's no way one can separate from their families because they found it there and at...

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  6. Advertisement

  7. Haiku Year

    • By Paul Holmes
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2014 with permission of the Author.

    A haiku describing nature for each of the twelve months of the year.

    in Haiku

    Analysis of Form and Technique

    Delightful display
    Snowdrops bow their pure white heads
    To the sun's glory.


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    I love this poem sooooo much! Can't stop reading it. I am in love with the absolute perfect descriptions of each month...great job Paul.

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  8. True Friend

    • By Ashley Campbell
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2012 with permission of the Author.

    Many people have friends they can trust. Some have friends who aren't loyal and friends who don't treat others the way they should. So this poem is to let a friend know how special they are. It also tells you what a real friend is like.

    in Short Friendship Poems

    A friend is like a star that twinkles and glows
    Or maybe like the ocean that gently flows.
    A friend is like gold that you should treasure
    And take care of forever and ever.


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    I love this so much it made my whole family smile.

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  9. Life Without You

    • By Nikki Wilfong
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008 with permission of the Author.

    What life would be like if you were not in it. This poem makes strong use of similes to describe what life is like without the person they love. Similes compare two objects or ideas using the words "like" or "as".

    in Boyfriend Poems

    Analysis of Form and Technique

    Me without you
    is like a leafless fall,
    a snowless winter,
    and a flowerless spring.


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    I'm madly in love with my girl, but suddenly things changed. She cut the communication, so I can't reach her. I don't know if she will be back. I'm feeling choked and lonely. Life without her...

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  10. Note To Self

    • By Donna Marie
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 2018 with permission of the Author.

    A short inspirational reminder to flow with changes.

    in Inspirational Poems

    Be like the willow that bends,
    shade that it sends,
    peace that it lends.


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    This is an amazing poem - saying so much in very few words. Things don't always go the way we want, and sometimes we have to adapt and do so cheerfully - a very important lesson. It is also...

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  11. Just Like

    This poem is all about using similes. The poet compares her situation to various objects. Our experiences in life can be compared to objects. For example, if someone is bright and cheery, we might compare her to a ray of sunshine. If someone is mean, we might compare those words to the hiss of a snake.

    in Broken Friendship Poems

    Analysis of Form and Technique

    Just like a glass
    my heart is broken
    Just like a star
    you light up my life


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    I had a friend who meant a lot to me. Though our friendship was filled with one too many downs, I cared about her a lot, and I thought she did too. But as soon as we left school, she started...

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  12. Storm At Sea

    • By Amar Qamar
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

    This poem uses point of view to make the readers feel as though they're one of the sailors trying to survive the storm.

    in Ocean Poems

    Analysis of Form and Technique

    CRASHING waves... SMASHING seas...
    Bringing sailors to their knees.
    As they struggle to save their lives,
    Hoping and praying help arrives.


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    Featured Shared Story

    This poem brought a tear to my eye and I love the way that the author has written this particular poem. It definitely is top in my book.

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  13. Swoosh, Boom, Crunch, Howl

    • By Hayden Myer
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2009 with permission of the Author.

    As I wrote this poem, I was looking at a painting of a scene at the beach. The words just flowed through my keyboard, and found themselves on my paper. I'm actually happy with it.

    in Beach Poems

    Analysis of Form and Technique

    The sun rises higher and higher, like a blossoming flower, as the children play...
    Beach, Beach, Beach
    The zephyr catches my skin like a wide receiver playing football...
    Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh


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    Being involved with the aspects of nature is the best thing ever. It's so beautiful, peaceful, and calming. It gives the creative person his tranquility, and it can be his muse. It's full of...

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  14. Gift Of Magic And Love

    • By Ciana R. Lewis
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2018 with permission of the Author.

    I'm a proud Ohioan and big sister, and I hope my poetry touches you in a special way. I wrote this poem for all my friends and family members. This is my Christmas gift to all of them. I wanted to show through this poem that the best gifts come from the heart and that the smallest gift, say a Christmas wish, can mean the world to someone, especially those who are having a hard time this year or can't be home for Christmas.

    in Christmas Poems

    'Tis the season for warmth and cheer,
    To be with our family and those we hold dear.
    But what if we are miles away?
    What if we can't be there on Christmas day?


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  15. Love Throughout Time

    • By Jacob L Watkins
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2019 with permission of the Author.

    I write what my heart tells me to and the way it tells me to write. I originally wrote this poem for my girlfriend at our 10-month milestone in our relationship, and I've decided that this poem could be relatable to others, and I want to share it with the world. Maybe one day someone will pass it on to a loved one completing the symbol of love through time.

    in Relationship Poems

    Time is like the wind,
    Slow and smooth.
    Time can change swiftly,
    Fast and fierce.


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  16. A Thorny Rose

    • By Kirston D. Warfield
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

    A young girl compares life to a rose.

    in Short Poems

    Our life is like a thorny rose
    Not perfect, but always beautiful
    The thorns represent the hardships in our lives.
    The delicate red petals represent the fun and beautiful things in our lives.

    A Thorny Rose

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    Lovely Poem. Life means struggling. We know we may seem like a rose, but some thorns are our weaknesses. Let's forget all the awkward moments and smile like a rose accepting the thorns for a...

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  17. Like A Volcano

    • By Anisha Joseph
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2019 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem when I was struggling hard in life. I was broken and shattered as I faced many job rejections and got unexpected wounds from people whom I trusted the most. And that is when my family supported me and encouraged me to stay strong. I hope that this poem brings courage, hope, and strength to those who are at the verge of giving up. Remember you are like a volcano. You have that fire deep inside.

    in Inspirational Poems

    Are you losing faith?
    Are you feeling low?
    Are you crying out loud,
    Craving to be loved?


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  18. Our Love Like A Diamond

    • By Terri Mooney
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2009 with permission of the Author.

    My husband and I have been married for 29 years and have been through much, even almost divorced. The past has a way of holding us back if we let it, so this poem is about moving on and renewal, and what awaits us as we do.

    in Love Poems about Marriage

    A new day before us
    The old far behind
    Let us look forward with newness
    As we turn and find


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  19. Similes And Metaphors In Poetry

    Similes and metaphors are used when the author wants to compare two things. The difference between Similes and Metaphors is that Similes compare objects using “like” or “as,” and metaphors compare without those words.

    Poems With Metaphors And Similes - Difference, Examples And Definitions

    in Advanced Poetic Techniques

    Do you want to make the descriptions in your writing stronger?
    Do you want people to connect your words with other experiences in their lives?
    Using similes or metaphors is a great way to add explanations to your writing. Both similes and meta...


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