Broken Friendship Poem

Short Poem About Breaking Up With A Good Friend

This poem is all about using similes. The poet compares her situation to various objects. Our experiences in life can be compared to objects. For example, if someone is bright and cheery, we might compare her to a ray of sunshine. If someone is mean, we might compare those words to the hiss of a snake.

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I had a friend who meant a lot to me. Though our friendship was filled with one too many downs, I cared about her a lot, and I thought she did too. But as soon as we left school, she started...

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Analysis of Form and Technique

Just Like

© more by Katherine Ayala

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

Just like a glass
my heart is broken
Just like a star
you light up my life
Just like a rose
that blooms it's beauty
Just like the rain
that never stops crying
Just like another human being
you let go of me
Just like others
you broke my heart
Just like clouds
you are soft
Just like bullets
that you shot into my heart


Analysis of Form and Technique

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Techniques this poem uses:

  • This poem has a strong sense of structure. Every other line starts with "Just like" and then names a noun (person, place, or thing). The following line describes how that noun could be used to describe the relationship and break-up.

    Just like a glass
    my heart is broken

    Read more about structure in poetry
  • This poem uses similes, which are phrases that compare two objects using "like" or "as."

    Just like a star
    you light up my life

    Just like clouds
    you are soft

    Read more about similes
  • In this poem, the author compares her situation to various objects. Our experiences in life can be compared to objects. For example, if someone is bright and cheery, we might compare her to a ray of sunshine. If someone is mean, we might compare those words to the hiss of a snake.

    This poem is all about using similes.

    To create your own, think about a particular person or situation in life. It could be good or bad. Think about words that describe that event. Now, what objects could be used to describe those moments?

    Download: PDF of "Just Like" Template

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  • Rue_ by Rue_
  • 4 years ago

I had a friend who meant a lot to me. Though our friendship was filled with one too many downs, I cared about her a lot, and I thought she did too. But as soon as we left school, she started ignoring me. I don't hate her. I can't hate her. This poem describes how I feel about her wonderfully. It's a mixture of all the sad memories and a sort of nostalgia for the good times.
It's impeccable...

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