Loving Poem about Family

This poem uses metaphors to create a strong sense of structure, which helps it flow. Each stanza compares a family member to a object in the ocean.

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That's the same for me! Except, my younger sister is the storm haha.

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Analysis of Form and Technique

An Ocean Of Memories


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2006 with permission of the Author.

My family is the ocean around us.

My father is the hurricane,
knocking anything and everybody out of his path.

My mother is the sunshine after the storm (my father),
clearing and calming everything else.

My oldest brother is the sand,
kicked and blown away by my dad,
but warmed with care by my mom.

My oldest sister is the breeze in the wind,
cool, quiet, and there when you need her.

My other two brothers are the stingrays,
but also willing to fight anyone who comes along.

And I,
I am an old ship at the bottom of the sea,
lost, abandoned, but full of memories.


Analysis of Form and Technique

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Techniques this poem uses:

  • This poem uses metaphors to compare family members to things near the ocean. Metaphors compare two objects without using the words "like" or "as."

    My father is the hurricane,
    knocking anything and everybody out of his path.

    My oldest brother is the sand,
    kicked and blown away by my dad,
    but warmed with care by my mom.

    Read more about metaphors
  • This is an example of a free verse poems. Free verse poems do not follow any specific rules.
    Read more about free verse poems
  • This poem has a strong sense of structure, which helps it flow. Each stanza follows this order:
    mention of the family member, object compared to the family member, and description of how the family member is like that object.

    My mother is the sunshine after the storm (my father),
    clearing and calming everything else.

    My other two brothers are the stingrays,
    but also willing to fight anyone who comes along.

    Read more about structure in poetry

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  • Gabriel Jones by Gabriel Jones
  • 10 years ago

This reminds me of what my family is like. My mom is the sun and warms me up after the storm. Yet my older brother, the hurricane, ruins the calm seas (me) with whirling high pitched winds screaming through the vast open ocean. My water body forms waves that whipped up at the hurricane with pointy peaks and smash crashes of heavy water, annoyed by the disturbance. At the eye of the storm I'm left calm and isolated until the other wall of wind and cloud rushes at me. I'm slammed up and down as the stronger winds shove me around until the eye of the storm hits the shores (my dad) and the hurricane, dies down to a water spout, small and innocent.

  • Conner G by Conner G
  • 3 years ago

That's the same for me! Except, my younger sister is the storm haha.

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