Poems About Missing A Friend
Published: December 2022

When friends are forced to be apart from each other for whatever length of time, it will be a difficult period for the two of them. They will be forced to go through their normal routines apart from each other. Each one may miss the qualities that the other contributed to the friendship. There is a saying that, "absence makes the heart grow fond". This may be an opportunity for each of them to realize how important each one is to the other's life. They will miss each other, and long for the time when they can be together again.
Find solace and connection through our collection of poems about missing a friend. These poems explore the emotions and feelings of longing for a friend who is no longer present in our lives and the enduring power of friendship
Poems Of Longing: Expressing The Pain Of Missing A Friend
My Best Friend Died
My best friend has gone away.
No more will we laugh and play,
No more games and whispered secrets shared.
No more comfort knowing she cared.Featured Shared StoryIt's been a super bad start to this year. It seems like every week I have had to say goodbye to those I considered so dear. Many I didn't even get to talk to one last time. It's put me in a...
Summer Vacation
I hope you really know
How much I truly care
Because when I'm away from you
It's like something isn't thereFeatured Shared StoryI have a best friend, Zarnab. Our summer break started, and I miss her so much. Even though we chat all the time, I still miss her so much
in School Poems
We are going to different high schools
I know it will be hard
we were best friends
and now we are ripped apartFeatured Shared StoryMy best friend and I were separated this year. We have been best friends for two years, and he ended up going to a different school this year. I don't know how I'm going to finish out these...
Missing A Friend When I'm Locked Up
in Prison Poems
Another month has come,
But you're still so far away.
You're always in my heart
Each and every day.Featured Shared StoryThis how I feel about my BFF who moved far away and I haven't seen her for a long time, I really miss her!
We've always been together,
we did everything with laughter.
We thought it was forever.
Featured Shared StoryI had friends that I have known for 7 years. In 8th grade, two of them were getting closer and blocking me out. They mostly talk to me if one or the other is busy. The one of them made a...
Farewell, My Last Goodbye
I cherished the times when we were together
I hoped that it would last forever
but now there's nothing I can do
today I'll say my goodbye to youFeatured Shared StoryGood-bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart's the memory, and there you'll always be.
Missing You So Much
As I lay here on my bed listening to everybody talking
my head is spinning with thoughts of you.
I hear your voice throughout the day
telling me you love me and that I'm the one for you.Featured Shared StoryI lost my bestfriend and my soulmate to drinking and drugs I didn't have to be there for him but I loved him so much that I couldn't walk away. I watched him take his last breath and that was...
Every Time I See You
Every time I see you,
my heart melts with happiness.
You make me laugh.
You make my heart sing.Featured Shared StoryThis is how I feel right now. My best friend and I were suppose to go to the same highschool but she got accepted to a magnet school and her parents are making her go. I have always been a...
My Friend, I Miss You
My friend, I miss you.
I miss hearing your voice and seeing you smile,
Just being with you and hanging out a while.
Featured Shared StoryI really miss my three best friends. I've know them for 10 years. Now I am 13. We were in the same school till grade 7. I was forced to move my school in grade 8 and I went through the...
The Bars Between Us
in Prison Poems
The bars between us keep us apart.
The bars between us can't keep you out of my heart.
The bars between us create hugs we have to keep.
The bars between us make me weak.Featured Shared StoryThese poem has really helped me get though my days AND nights while my husband's gone and I'm trying to play the single mommy of 4 role alone....