Our Soul
in Meaningful Poems
S is the Spark that give us our glow.
O is for Original, each and every one we know.
U is for Unique; we never cease to amaze,
L is the gift of Love to share for always.
in Meaningful Poems
S is the Spark that give us our glow.
O is for Original, each and every one we know.
U is for Unique; we never cease to amaze,
L is the gift of Love to share for always.
There you are, sneaking upon me!
From the corner of my eye, you make no sound, but I can see!
I ignore you're there, but you grow each day.
Life can change in a single breath.
Life can be crushed when we are faced with death.
It tears families apart,
I wrap my mouth to shut in the sound.
I cry so much, so deep, so profound.
I cannot comprehend that you are gone,
December is here and there's ice all around.
All the leaves are gone and the soil has hardened on the ground.
Icy breath as you exhale,
Another year is coming to a close.
We can forget our troubles and woes.
For me, this year was tough.
It was very true what you stated about this past year. My new relationship was complicated, but with my new man, the love of my life, we will strive and move on with this special relationship...
in Earth Poems
A world of peace, a world of hope.
Not full of violence, crime and dope.
I want all that's bad to be stopped in its tracks.
Christmas, a time of wonder and joy,
A time to celebrate the birth of a baby boy.
A child innocent and true,
Love is an emotion we feel too quick.
Time is what we need, this is the trick.
Love will find you when you are ready.
"Love is an emotion we feel too quick"
"It's an emotion that touches your soul"
That's the naked truth, and when you rush it out, your soul will end up being crashed and torn into pieces...
There are now three empty chairs at the Christmas table.
It's a time I find difficult, even unable
To find joy on this family day.