New Year's Poem

Hope For A New Year

A new start for all. A chance to start over and maybe even fix what's broken.

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It was very true what you stated about this past year. My new relationship was complicated, but with my new man, the love of my life, we will strive and move on with this special relationship...

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New Year

Sandra Hearth © more by Sandra Hearth

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2018 with permission of the Author.

Another year is coming to a close.
We can forget our troubles and woes.

For me, this year was tough.
It brought many emotions, was tearful and rough.

Now another year is approaching fast.
Let's hope it's a New Year with love and health; let's hope it's a blast.

May all of your dreams come true
And you find peace and love in all that you do.

May this world know the gentle sound of a hush.
May it calm all its anger and slow its pace from the rush.

May we all hear the sound of joy
And push away all that hurts, all that destroys.

The New Year I hope will be good to us all.
Care and calm, a helping hand when we fall.

Listen more, slow down, and say I love you.
Stop for a moment; take a breath, take in the view.

Appreciate your family; tell them you care.
Do something exciting, a thrill or a dare.

Enjoy all that the New Year may give.
We have but one life, so let's learn to live.

It's a New Year, a brand new start.
Always remember, live and love from your heart.

Wishing each and every one a year to behold,
And may it be full of wonders for you to unfold.

Love, hugs, and kisses too...
A very happy New Year from me to you.



I love writing ...funny, sad, happy, whatever I'm feeling.
It's a joy and I can leave behind all the noise of this world and go to places that make me feel, sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh.
It's therapeutic a lot ot of the time, life's journey can take us to places we didn't choose and writing helps me heal.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Karen Lynn Handley by Karen Lynn Handley
  • 5 years ago

It was very true what you stated about this past year. My new relationship was complicated, but with my new man, the love of my life, we will strive and move on with this special relationship that will last for many years into the future.

  • Omadang Yowasi by Omadang Yowasi
  • 5 years ago

This is a very cool poem. Much as it's nostalgic about the previous year, it paints hope in the reader about the coming new year. It's diction suits it perfectly.

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