My Father's Hug
in Father Poems
My Father, he was never one
To show his deepest feelings.
He never cared too much for hugs,
Either giving or receiving.
in Father Poems
My Father, he was never one
To show his deepest feelings.
He never cared too much for hugs,
Either giving or receiving.
I planned to leave, one fateful day,
Upon a burly craft.
I told my friends, "I'll sail the seas!"
But all of them just laughed!
"Cock-a-doodle-doo!" I heard.
I really hate that lousy bird!
I got home late from Betty Lou's,
But now I've got my chores to do.
Most living things are around
Wherever living things are found.
On land or sea, that swim beneath,
Most of them have got their teeth.
Ah Brian, I LOVED IT! My kind of children's poem. Very well done. Blessings, Gary
in Aging Poems
Arthritis makes my fingers swell.
My bathroom visits really smell.
When I find it hard to sleep,
I remember math, to count my sheep.
in Humorous Poems
I've looked all over, but I don't know where
I got stuck with all this hair.
Some hair's where there once was none!
I must have more than anyone!
Often, when it's late at night
And no one's 'round but me,
My mind will travel back in time
To my sister's memory.
Brian, I live in Australia and am an active member of a university of the third age poetry group. I came across some of your poems a while back, and I must tell you that I thoroughly enjoy...
I once set out to make a fiend,
A gruesome thing that no one's seen.
A massive gore of teeth and claws
With sixteen eyes and monster paws.
It's like the story of Frankenstein. The rhyme is very fantastic and word choice is pleasing to the atmosphere of the poem. The ending is very dramatic; that seems to me the best part of...
How high's the snowfall, Mama?
"One foot high and rising!"
I'll eat my food and watch the game.
There're many women I have met
And loved throughout my years.
Some provided joy I'd get,
But most provided tears.
Bravo! I think there are many who find the humor and honesty in these lines!