Poetic Messages - Page 8

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Just Yesterday

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Thank you for all the memories
that I hold so dear in my heart,
and as time goes by new ones will form,
but the old will shall never depart.

- Danielle Neidich

Quote Tribute To Grandpa

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You've always been my hero.
You've always been my pride.
You've always given so much love
and shown what's deep inside.

- Lauren E. Garner

Time Spent In Nature

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Time spent in nature
is time spent realizing
that you don't know it all
and that you never will.

Family Friend Poems


Will Always Be There

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You are a best friend
that will always be there
because you are a best friend
that really cares.

- Brian Myers

Families Of Prisoners

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of prisoners
are the forgotten victims.

Alison Henderson

Quote About Meaning What We Say

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Sometimes I wonder
how the world would be
if we said what we meant
and meant what we said.

- Leah

Regret Quote

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Don't forget I love you's,
Every chance you get.
The time may be short,
There is no time to regret

Dawn Jensen

Learn From Our Wrongs

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In life there are
mistakes we will make,
but we must learn from our wrongs
and grow from them.

Angie M Flores

Quote About Being Content

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Whatever you do,
make sure you're content
For the last thing you want
is something to resent

Terry Gouveia

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