Poetic Messages - Page 10

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Quote About Your Life Being Touched By Someone

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You are an amazing person,
and without you I don't know where I'd be.
Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me.


You Are Everything

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You're the thought that starts each morning,
the conclusion to each day.
I envision you in all that I do
and everything I say.


Mother And Best Friend

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Out of all the moms
I could have had,
I'm glad it was you
who God sent.

Alex N. Mayse

My Heart And Soul

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Without you
I am not whole
because you are
my heart and soul.



I Never Want To Be Without You

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I never want to be without you,
not in a million years.
You keep me at peace with myself,
and you chase away all my fears.

- Lindsey Stamper

Quote For The Man I Love

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You always know
just what to say.
Just talking to you
makes my day.

- Mrs. Creeves

Have A Little Faith - Things Will Be Okay

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Have a little faith.
Things will be okay.
Fight with all your might
as you face another day.


Quote About Friends Being A Gift

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True friends give your life
A happy lift.
True friends are a
Most precious gift.


Quote About Needing To Move On

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I've sat and cried over you way too much,
just wishing one more time I could feel your touch,
but you don't care, and neither should I,
so I'm going to move on, or at least I'm going to try.

Leal Ashae Sargent

Love Promise Quote

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I promise to be your strength
whenever you fall weak.
I promise to be your voice
when you can't find the words.

- Emily Thurston

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