Quotes & Messages

Loving, Healing and Touching Messages, Quotes, Pictures and Famous Quotes on the topics of Friendship, Family, Love, Life, Inspiration, Grief and Sadness.

Our favorite lines of poetry from our most popular poems

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Quote About What Friends Will Do For Each Other

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If you feel there's nothing else to do,
if you think no one's here for you,
turn your head and look at me,
because by your side I'll always be.

- Simmonds

Even Though It's Hard Quote

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And even though it's hard
and I may struggle through it all.
You see me struggle...
you will NEVER see me fall.

Joyce Alcantara

Forgive And Forget

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It's better to
forgive and forget
than to share my life
with pain and regret.

- Cindy P.

Quote About Friends Being Like Angels

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A true friend is not just a friend,
but like a guardian angel from above,
one who looks after you,
as the rest give up and run.

Chelsea Madden


I'm By Your Side Quote

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We both have scars,
with memories that cannot be erased,
but together we are stronger.
In your hands my heart has been placed.

- Crystal

Forever On My Mind

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When my pain gets me down,
and I just don't know what to do,
I just think of you
and it helps me through.

- Alton L. Smith

Quote About Living Life In The Past

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Never live your life
in the past
Enjoy every day
as if it were your last

Terry Gouveia

You Are My Sunshine

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You brought me sunshine
when I only saw rain.
You brought me laughter
when I only felt pain.

- Donna Donathan

Quote About Having Hope And Faith

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When you're going through life's valleys
and you think there's no way out,
you're not the first to feel this way.
There's hope, without a doubt.

- Dave Roberts

Quote About Love Forever

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Forever in my heart
is where you will be.
Nobody else will enter
because you have the only key.

Adrian Jackson

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