Poetic Messages - Page 5

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Treat People With Respect

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Strangers you meet may be angels
hiding behind a disguise.
Always treat people you meet with respect,
for everyone's equal in God's eyes.

John P. Read

Quote About Dad Being A Hero

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He wasn't a hero
known by the world.
But a hero he was
to his little girl.

Rebecca D. Cook

Quote For Funeral

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A thousand words won't bring you back;
I know because I've tried.
Neither will a thousand tears;
I know because I've cried.

- Kily Dunbar

We Were Meant To Be

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I knew the day we met
that we were meant to be.
I knew our fate was set
that you were the one for me.

- Tammy Luu


Quote About Importance Of Friendship

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You can lean on them when you are weak,
And carry them when you are strong.
They are always there beside you,
Even when you are wrong.

- Britni Sisco

Quote About Everything Being In God's Hands

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Lord, help me to remember
My answer is in Your hands.
When all else fails, You'll be here
And Your strength will help me stand.

Bailey Gibbons

Quote Showing Nothing Can Tear Friends Apart

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You are my best friend,
You belong in my heart.
We go through ups and downs,
But still nothing can tear us apart.


Quote About Living Life In The Past

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Never live your life
in the past
Enjoy every day
as if it were your last

Terry Gouveia

Quote About Friends Telling The Truth

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True friends will tell you the truth,
Even if it's not what you want to hear.
True friends are always there
With a hug and a listening ear.


Quote For A Good Dad

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A dad is someone
who loves you
no matter what you do.

- Rose E. O'Donnell

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