Famous Poem
I hold him dearest who aspires
To kindle in my heart the fires
Of best desires.
Famous Poem
I hold him dearest who aspires
To kindle in my heart the fires
Of best desires.
Famous Poem
in Famous Poems
It ain't the trees that block the trail,
It ain't the ash or pine;
For, if you fall or if you fail,
It was some pesky vine
Famous Poem
When some one has slipped you the dirk in the dark,
When eyes that are loving are lies,
When some one you trusted has made you a mark,
And somehow the heart in you dies,
Famous Poem
A loose limb hangs upon a pine three log-lengths from the ground,
A norway tumbles with a whine and shakes the woods around.
The loose limb plunges from its place and zigzags down below;
And Jack is lying on his face—there's red upon the snow.
Famous Poem
Their faint "honk-honk" announces them,
The geese when they come flying north;
Above the far horizon's hem
From out the south they issue forth.
Famous Poem
Sure, this world is full of trouble
I ain't said it ain't.
Lord, I've had enough and double
Reason for complaint;
Wow, this poem gives a cool perspective on life. This poem makes one realize worrying doesn't help.
Famous Poem
The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out in the open plain
And always got its share of rain,
Poetry is a passionate way of expressing our innermost thoughts, emotions, spirit, and love, amongst other things. As I read this poem, I thought of a very humble gentleman who lost his...
Famous Poem
If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be a scrub in the valley — but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.
Two years ago I was in depression and isolated. I felt frequently that I was worthless and deserved no love, no appreciation, no friends. I kept myself aloof from everyone, thinking that I...