Famous Nature Poem

Malloch's poem celebrates spring's arrival with the "faint honk-honk" of geese migrating north. Their formation in the sky resembles writing their name, a joyous cry echoing their homecoming. As the geese return, the poem paints a picture of a world awakening: lakes losing their icy grip, flowers blooming, and the sun's warmth piercing winter's hold. These images, combined with the geese's presence, solidify them as harbingers of spring's renewal and liberation.

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Famous Poem

When The Geese Come North

By more Douglas Malloch

Their faint "honk-honk" announces them,
    The geese when they come flying north;
Above the far horizon's hem
    From out the south they issue forth.

They weave their figures in the sky.
    They write their name upon its dome.
And, o'er and o'er, we hear them cry
    Their cry of gladness and of home.

Now lakes shall loose their icy hold
    Upon the banks, and crocus bloom;
The sun shall warm the river's cold
    And pierce the Winter's armored gloom;

The vines upon the oaken tree
    Shall shake their wavy tresses forth,
The grass shall wake, the rill go free—
    For, see! The geese are flying north!


more Douglas Malloch

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