Famous Friendship Poem

Douglas Malloch’s poem "Encouragement" celebrates the profound value of those who uplift others, particularly during times of struggle. Through a consistent AAA rhyme scheme, repetition of the phrase "I hold," and vivid imagery like "kindle in my heart the fires," Malloch emphasizes the significance of genuine support over superficial gestures. He contrasts shallow actions, such as giving "paltry pence," with meaningful encouragement that builds confidence and helps others navigate life’s challenges, symbolized by the "upward way" and "mountain peak." The sincere tone, parallel structure, and reflective mood create a heartfelt tribute to those who inspire resilience and perseverance.

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Famous Poem


By more Douglas Malloch

I hold him dearest who aspires
To kindle in my heart the fires
Of best desires.

I hold the man of all most dear
Who, when I stumble, draweth near
With word of cheer.

I hold that man of best intents
Who giveth me not paltry pence,
But confidence.

For there are men who quick caress
Win give to laurel-crowned success—
To nothing less.

But, oh, how dearer far are they
Who help me on the upward way
When skies are gray.

If so it be that I attain
The mountain peak, and leave the plain
And paths of pain,

My prayers shall first be upward sent
For those dear friends of mine who lent


more Douglas Malloch

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