61. In The Longing For A Dream
It's four o' clock in Finland,
And I know that you're asleep.
I know that you are dreaming, and
If you're not, you're counting sheep.
It's four o' clock in Finland,
And I know that you're asleep.
I know that you are dreaming, and
If you're not, you're counting sheep.
I can't stop singing Taylor Swift songs
I can't stop asking what I did wrong
You were once there and now you're gone
I'm too scared to turn the light on
I fell in love one time, and it won't happen again!
The person I fell in love with was more than a friend.
I thought he loved me, but I see I was wrong.
Everything was a lie all along.
I just broke up with the one I had given my heart too and when I decided to leave him it hurt so bad because I had fallen in love too quick
My heart weeps
At the sound of her voice.
She walks by me,
But I've made my choice
When the stars dance across a midnight sky,
And the lullaby of a moon soothes me to sleep
I will remember.
I really like it!! you should keep writing about your feelings. You're a great writer.
You pass me wtihout speaking
as if I was this stranger not worth meeting.
But, nobody knows the memories we shared
nobody knows that we both cared.
Healing from heartbreak
is something one rarely does
from the moment of that day
even if it's just because