41. The Universes Of Hurt
I gave you happiness
You accepted it
I offered you care
You embraced it
I gave you happiness
You accepted it
I offered you care
You embraced it
Exactly what has happened to me. He accepted me but never gave anything back in return. I think of him everyday but, he has always has been thinking about my other friend. I hadn't known and...
Actually I'm thinking of him!
But he hates me.
Crazy 'bout him.
Don't tell my secret!
I am like this poem. He is kinda my friend, but I'm sure he doesn't think of me as a friend. I'm pretty sure he thinks of me as a normal human. I want him to be my BFF.
When I hold his hand, I become invincible.
Nothing could ever go wrong.
When I hear his voice, it makes my day.
His voice is a beautiful song.
I’m almost 15, and about a month ago I found out my boyfriend at the time was cheating on me. He’s 16, and we were dating for about a month when I found out. I don’t think I’ve ever cried...
I can't stop singing Taylor Swift songs
I can't stop asking what I did wrong
You were once there and now you're gone
I'm too scared to turn the light on
It's four o' clock in Finland,
And I know that you're asleep.
I know that you are dreaming, and
If you're not, you're counting sheep.
You pass me wtihout speaking
as if I was this stranger not worth meeting.
But, nobody knows the memories we shared
nobody knows that we both cared.
Love is so complicated.
It makes me so frustrated,
But when I'm with you, everything is right,
And that is why I wish to be with you tonight.
I am 17 to me love has always been hurting. The one I truly loved I had to let him go cause I had to move to a new country. It became a bit hard for us to talk. We turned insecure and I guess...
You came into my life
During a time I was hurt.
All you said
Was that he was a jerk.
I can relate to your poem. I had a similar experience with a boy I liked in school. It was the first time I felt that intense feeling that comes with love. I was shy to talk to him, and when...
I see the way you look at me; it starts a flutter in my heart.
I feel the sadness, confusion, and pain throughout my every vein,
Even though we're worlds apart.
As I let go of all of my love,
I want you to know you were a gift from above.
The light of my life
To end all my strife.
I am lying awake in my nice, warm bed.
I am not sleeping because you are stuck in my head.
I try to forget that you were ever here,
But you made a huge impact in that one short year.
Wonderful poetry Taeha, your despair shows through every word you've shared. I hope one day your friend shows up, with a big, warm, consoling hug.
When the stars dance across a midnight sky,
And the lullaby of a moon soothes me to sleep
I will remember.
I really like it!! you should keep writing about your feelings. You're a great writer.
You think that I don't miss you
And you think that I don't care.
I'm tired of all this.
Time to open up and share.
I'm going through something like this right now. "My friend" is not really a friend. She treats me like I do not belong, and I do not like the way she treats me. She went behind my back and...
You're right there, yet you're so far away.
And I'm still counting down the days
That pass as I try my best to move on.
The love I thought was there is gone.
I remember when there was a spark,
When we would meet secretly in the park
Oh, how we kissed
How much you will be missed
At first, love is always sweet, and when it becomes sour, our hearts are always divided in pieces like a broken mirror. We all go through this phase, and I'm glad you could pen our feelings...
I don’t care where you go from now...
I don’t care who you love or even how...
I don’t care if you’re happy...
Sure don’t care if you’re sad...
Do you remember when we were little kids,
dancing freely in the meadow,
our hair flowing in the breeze,
Playing all day without a care in the world,
I can relate my friendship was like that, I was there for her before she knew any of the them. She didn't ditch me she did something far worse. She pretended that I belonged with them and...
He's gone,
Like a shadow when the sun goes down.
The magic fades when he turns around.
Great descriptors that paint a picture for the reader. Looking forward to read more from you!
For far too long
I've been a prisoner,
Held captive by your beauty,
That I've never been strong enough
He talks about her like I'm not there,
he just doesn't care.
He holds her hand like he used to hold mine,
I was with my boyfriend for 6 months and we didn't have many relationship problems. We were always with each other and loved each other very much. Well I thought so, until one night he...