Heartbreak Poem by Teens

This poem is about this guy I never went out with, but we talked about it. He was three years older than me, and we were always together and always kissing and everything; he was perfect. Until I found out he had another girl the whole time!
So from March-September he cheated on her.

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I can relate to your poem. I had a similar experience with a boy I liked in school. It was the first time I felt that intense feeling that comes with love. I was shy to talk to him, and when...

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Baby, I'm Stronger


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

You came into my life
During a time I was hurt.
All you said
Was that he was a jerk.
Days went by; we became close.
I never thought I'd love you the most.
I went to your baseball games;
You took my home in your truck.
Us meeting was fate, now it's not even luck.
During the summer, we didn't even talk.
It's like out of my life you slowly walked.
Summer starts to end, sport seasons start,
And then I see you walking back to my heart.
Days come and go, we get close,
And you're the one who's on my mind the most.
When our eyes meet, my heart skips a beat.
When our lips touch, I fall right off my feet.
One of your hands in mine, the other on the wheel
With all of that, my heart you did steal.
But now it's all gone
And the right turned wrong.
The tone is no longer on our same song.
You were like no other who has taken my heart.
I wish we stayed friends, like we were from the start.
You say you don't want to see me anymore,
So stop looking at me because my heart is already sore.
Please don't look at me or even think about me.
You're not going to hurt me anymore, you see,
You've lied, you've cheated,
You've hurt me worse than I've ever been,
And now my heart won't let another boy in.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Gia by Gia
  • 4 years ago

I can relate to your poem. I had a similar experience with a boy I liked in school. It was the first time I felt that intense feeling that comes with love. I was shy to talk to him, and when I did, it was messy, but I could tell he liked me. But the ship never started. He moved out, and I couldn't reach him. Even when I did, he was a different person from the one I knew...it took me time to get over him.

  • Aym by Aym
  • 7 years ago

At school I liked this guy. We were friends, then he moved. My friends asked him to the dance and if he liked me, for me. He never responded. So he moved and I was to shy to tell him I liked him. But he knew I liked him. So I wrote this song for him. Everything got weird when we talked. We only talked on the bus and track. Never really at school. I was really sad when he left, I thought I would never like anybody else.

  • Edith by Edith
  • 8 years ago

I can relate to your story. I was going out with a guy a few yrs older than me. Everything started as a friendship but then he approached me different. He never really asked me out. I just wanted to make sure if he had a girlfriend, and so I asked. Turned out that he is married. Then why did he approach me in the first place? I was so hurt that I cried. Still, I let this thing or relationship continue because I loved him. Its been almost 6 months that he completely changed towards me. He won't text me or say hi, its as if were complete strangers. And I just feel like crying when I see him talking to other girls. Lately it was just me the one that started the conversation but I realized there was no point if he was not interested in talking or texting. You notice that when he doesn't reply after an hour. I'm so hurt that I don't even feel the need of seeing him. I just hope I will feel better about all this.

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