1. In You, I Believe
Happiness be with you this coming year,
And may all your problems just disappear.
Passion be with you as your guiding light,
Pushing you to reach ever greater height.
An acrostic poem is a poem where the first letters of each line spell out a word or phrase vertically that acts as the theme or message of the poem. Sometimes a word or phrase can also be found down the middle or end of the poem, but the most common is at the beginning. A lot of people use these poems to describe people or holidays, and lines can be made up of single words or phrases. Acrostic poems do not follow a specific rhyme scheme, so they are easier to write.
Happiness be with you this coming year,
And may all your problems just disappear.
Passion be with you as your guiding light,
Pushing you to reach ever greater height.
I- In this journey of my life
L- Loving you kept me alive
O- One day God called you home
V- Visions of you still linger on
I'm sure your beloved wife will join you again. God bless you and your family.
sumMer came
flowErs bloomed
playMates giggled
bOnfires lit
K - Kindness is shown by what we say and do.
I - It says to the other person, "I care about you."
N - Never neglect to show kindness to everyone you see.
D - Day or night, young or old, whoever it may be.
Sitting outside
Under a tree
Mud pies and water
Making memories
Strength, awareness, comfort and awe,
a connection to something greater than all.
Pure song of the Spirit that brings hope to life,
Hold me tight to your heart
And promise me that we will never be apart.
Promise me that your heart will always beat for me.
Promise me that I'll be the only girl your eyes will ever see
S- You are so Special to me!
W- You are a Wonderful man whom I love Wholeheartedly!
E- I am in Ecstasy when I am with you!
E- Every touch Energizes and Electrifies my body.
I fell in love with this sexy poems and I wish to read more because it lift my heart and I wish to share with someone I love. I want to feel what love is through this sexy poems, I want to...
R emembering days
E ver so gray.
S ad with despair.
T hen Jesus stepped in,
Friendship is one that
Relies on trust,
Instilled between two people
Eager to share their ups and downs,
This is the wish of every person. A genuine person might get a genuine friend.
"I"n this moment, my heart is open.
"N"ever before have I felt such powerful emotion.
It is "N"ow that I realize the true meaning of living.
It is for being loved, loving, "A"nd also forgiving.
Running away from my troubles I begin to,
Envy all the others whose
Lives seem all too easy, but
I have come to find a resting place, for poetry has become my
I was certainly touched by this simple yet beautiful poem. It is not propped up with long, clever words, neither does it regress into tear jerking sentiment, but still transmits a powerful...
M is for Making a future that will last.
A is for Accepting both the present and the past.
R is for Respect for each other every day.
R is for Remembering those special things to say.
Sun shines on your skin and mine
Until it sets way after nine.
Memories made with a cold drink in hand.
Moments to cherish with feet in the sand.
Grandma is one special angel, a
Really gentle, beautiful soul.
Angel of God, so pure and whole.
Never leave me, stay close by.
How I long for a kiss
The type that leaves you woozy
That's the kiss that I miss
It's a whoopdee doozy
My heart doesn't belong to me.
You have its only access key.
Life is meaningful because of you.
Every time a rhyme goes through my mind,
Something special takes place that I find,
Creating a place for my soul to dwell,
Away from the pressure of having to tell
Sing the birds; the season has come.
Prettiest look nature does hold.
Rejoices the Earth, her color winsome.
Idyllic her beauty, pretty as gold.
G for the Glamour of her wrinkled, old face.
R for the way my mind she used to Refresh.
A for her Anger, which knew no bounds.
N is how she Nurtured us without a sound.