1. Early Summer
Famous Poem
Full of joy is early Summer,
Growth and warmth and golden light;
Every day is crowned with beauty,
Full of loveliness the night.
Summer is the stuff of dreams. When adults sit at their desks, and children sit in school, they dream of summer. Summer is the time of infinite fun. The day seems to last forever, and the fun never stops. It is a time of romance, excitement and an enhanced enjoyment of life. Somehow summer never seems to last long enough. It is always over before we get a chance to fully experience its power. This is true of all things wonderful. They always seem too short.
Famous Poem
Full of joy is early Summer,
Growth and warmth and golden light;
Every day is crowned with beauty,
Full of loveliness the night.
Famous Poem
I hear leaves drinking rain;
I hear rich leaves on top
Giving the poor beneath
Drop after drop;
Famous Poem
Beautiful, beautiful summer!
Odorous, exquisite June!
All the sweet roses in blossom,
All the sweet birdies in tune.
The grass so green,
the sun so bright.
Life seems a dream,
no worries in sight.
I really love this site. I have become very inspired by this. I want to read more poems about all the relationships and a lot more things on earth. Thank you.
Rippling crystal waters shine like silver to reflect summer's glow.
Soothing and calming in rhythm, echoing its lyrical flow.
Magical music of nature, a symphony of splendid delight.
Skies like blue oceans in paradise, birds soaring to grasp full flight.
Summer's splendor by the sea,
a gentle, blue serenity.
Caressing rays of golden sun,
The familiar rhythm of the cricket's chirps
Create the soundtrack for each day,
Echoing Summer's end
And that Autumn's on her way.
End of summer, yes, when my daughter goes outside and comes back in to ask, "How does the weather know it's back to school time?" when the chill in the morning air precedes the special crisp...
Though May did bring her deepest grey
And June did bring her gloom,
I woke this morn in a glorious way
To Sunshine in my room.
Thank you, Beryl. This is especially a time for all of us to be grateful for the simple things that make us smile. Be safe and well.
Morning's soft air, touching everything with such care,
Caresses a young face in a quiet, secluded place.
Smile planted strong, heart beating on.
Only one thing is on her mind, and that is summertime.
Currently using this beautiful poem as inspiration for my poster design. This poem makes my assignment for graphic design much easier. Thanks!
I gaze through the window pane,
At the freshly mown lawn.
The deep green color
Takes me back to a day gone by.
Sun shines on your skin and mine
Until it sets way after nine.
Memories made with a cold drink in hand.
Moments to cherish with feet in the sand.
As she tip-toes cross the sea,
she slips in so subtly.
Sharing her charms upon the earth,
I have read three of this poet's pieces now and they are all wonderful! She personifies the seasons and brings them magically to life and both paints a picture and tells a story at once....
Calm as a river
Tranquility in my heart
Blue summer skies reign.
Longer days and shorter nights,
Darker shades and brighter lights.
Louder music and wilder friends,
No need for pencils, no need for pens!
I really loved this poem because it is almost similar to my story about summer I really love this poem. If it was possible I could just make this poem a tattoo on my stomach
Beautiful sunrise
On a warm summer morning.
I wait for day's start.
The sun, it fades in the moonlight.
The stars, they fade in the daylight.
The cold breezes are strong in winter and spring,
Nothing so rare as a day in June,
the air so fine and the blossoms all blue.
The weather just perfect, the skies never gray
This poem is wonderful. I have an assignment to find someone else's poem on the internet and read it to the class, so I think I'll use yours!
That sprinkler is at it again,
hissing and spitting its arc
of silver, and the parched
lawn is tickled green. The air
Oh, for those cloudless days of old
when holidays went on forever,
clear blue skies were lit with gold.
I can remember those lovely summer vacations with all my neighborhood friends, soaking in my 2-foot pool, riding bikes, sitting by the river, playing wiffle and kick ball on my street and the...
Full strawberry moon,
ushers in hot days of June,
high tides fill the dune,