Summer Poem

Joy Of Summer Sunshine

This poem came from a place of gratitude. Having had some health issues, I began to look at the small things around me. My love of the outdoors, especially my garden, made me realize the peace it brought to me. The winter seemed to drag on for so long, no sign of summer. May and June were so grey and overcast that it dimmed our souls. Finally one morning, the sun's rays shone early through my window, and the joy of summer enveloped me. Then inspiration took hold and my poem was created.

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Thank you, Beryl. This is especially a time for all of us to be grateful for the simple things that make us smile. Be safe and well.

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Oh, How I Love Summer

© more by Susan M. Gilbert

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2019 with permission of the Author.

Though May did bring her deepest grey
And June did bring her gloom,
I woke this morn in a glorious way
To Sunshine in my room.

Quick, get up,
It's time to rise.
Greet the day.
I started to cry.

For today,
It has begun.
It's finally here,
The summer sun!

Feel her warmth,
See my garden grow,
Taste the sweetest fruits,
Watch the butterflies flow.

Hear the squirrels chatter
And my orioles swoon
Till the evening comes
With the summer moon.

It seems like I've waited
Such a very long time,
Longing for the light of
Your rays of sunshine.

So please stay a while.
Bring your long, lazy days.
I'll cherish each blue sky
And ride every wave.

Oh, how I love summer
And all of her songs,
Happy summer to all,
And may it be long!


more by Susan M. Gilbert

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Oh, so beautiful, a gorgeous poem to brighten the day. Super! I loved it.

Thank you, Beryl. This is especially a time for all of us to be grateful for the simple things that make us smile. Be safe and well.

  • Carol D by Carol D
  • 5 years ago

This poem is so beautiful. I really felt emotional when I read this. Thank you.

Thank you, Carol. It means so much that my poem touched you.

  • Yair Friedman by Yair Friedman
  • 5 years ago

I woke up this morning at 5 am and the sun was beginning to light up the sky. I went for a morning jog with the early morning light. It felt so invigorating to feel the warmth of the summer sun igniting my world and soul with its powerful energy. Even, when later, the clouds covered it, I knew the sun was there. I try to keep the feeling of that warmth alive in me as long as possible.

Thank you for allowing me to picture your morning jog. It sounds comforting, uplifting and powerful. Enjoy your summer!

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