Summer Poem

The poem tries to describe the changes that occur as summer comes to an end and how I respond to it emotionally.

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End of summer, yes, when my daughter goes outside and comes back in to ask, "How does the weather know it's back to school time?" when the chill in the morning air precedes the special crisp...

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The Summer's End

Patricia A Fleming © more by Patricia A Fleming

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2018 with permission of the Author.

The familiar rhythm of the cricket's chirps
Create the soundtrack for each day,
Echoing Summer's end
And that Autumn's on her way.

The stifling heat of the summer sun
Is now tempered by the clouds.
Those fluffy, cotton August clouds,
That soft breezes push about.

Shadows falling everywhere
As the sun plays peek-a-boo.
Losing her strength with each new day,
A sure sign that Summer is through.

As the lazy, care-free summer days,
Reluctantly draw to an end.
Excitement grows for what's ahead,
As school days and the Fall begin.

And no matter how the years may pass,
And how old I come to be,
I'll always love this time of year,
As it holds such fond memories

Of sitting with my childhood friends,
Recalling all our fun
While running, swimming and riding bikes
Beneath the summer sun.

And sharing all our hopes and dreams
As the future stirs us on.
Knowing as we sit on that late, August eve,
Summer's ending, but her memory lives on.

But there's also a haunting sadness sometimes
That I feel when those dark shadows fall.
And that my greatest adventures in life
Are just memories, now aroused by those sweet cricket calls.



Started writing at an early age and kept journals over the years. After retiring in 2016, wrote primarily poetry every day. This site is the best of all and I am still so grateful to have found it. There are some immensely talented writers on here.
I have not been writing quite as often lately but I keep my hand in it. My other hobbies include...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Richard Zeng by Richard Zeng
  • 3 years ago

I grew up in Jilin Pro, China. Four widely different seasons in my hometown. I love summer though it is short. Another summer is saying goodbye to me but I don't wanna say goodbye to her. How life rotates!

  • Dorothy Davies by Dorothy Davies
  • 4 years ago

End of summer, yes, when my daughter goes outside and comes back in to ask, "How does the weather know it's back to school time?" when the chill in the morning air precedes the special crisp heat and stunning clarity of the skies... memories flood back of tidying gardens, getting school things ready, brushing off heavier clothes... this poem manages to invoke all that we sense when these seasons are on the change, subtle but very much there and remind us another summer has gone, another autumn is coming in. Your poem brought all this out in me. Thank you, memories are good - as good as living today!!

  • Poet223 by Poet223
  • 5 years ago

I love this poem! I, too, love writing poems. I am II years old and I also have a poem about seasons.

  • Kumari Weerasooriya by Kumari Weerasooriya
  • 5 years ago

I am from Sri Lanka, an Asian country. We don't have separate seasons but bright sun throughout the year. However, as I have read a lot about summer in literature, the poem makes me visualize the season. "Haunting sadness" and "dark shadows" remind the arrival of winter, which symbolizes the old age and death of humans.

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