1. Whales: An Innocent Death
As the gentle giants swim through the sea,
Not expecting a thing,
A sharp metal object is heading their way,
And they feel a sharp sting.
The animal kingdom is filled with almost an infinite variety of creatures. Scientists discover new species and subspecies every year. Each one is a wonder unto itself and one could labor for years to uncover its secrets. It is an unfortunate fact that the closest that most of us get to wildlife is through bars at the zoo. Our urban lifestyle has the effect of cutting us off from the glorious world of the animal kingdom. Every animal has a lesson to teach us that we are not hearing. We may think that we have evolved away from contact with animal kingdom, the question is, at what cost?
As the gentle giants swim through the sea,
Not expecting a thing,
A sharp metal object is heading their way,
And they feel a sharp sting.
It was a heartfelt poem. I was really touched by it. I definitely agree that whaling should stop. Whales are my favorite animals.
Famous Poem
I have wished a bird would fly away,
And not sing by my house all day;
Have clapped my hands at him from the door
I laughed at this poem. I have felt the same way at times. I live in the country, and there is nothing more peaceful than listening to God's natural sounds of nature, but it’s just like any...
Aloft the wind
I ride the night sky
I see the world through a much different eye
There is a very powerful message in this poem! Horses are a wonderful creature...very elegant, graceful, charming, and spirited! My family had three Appaloosas we use to board on Cooke's...
Rulers of the night, the wilderness is your home,
Man in his ignorance won't leave you alone,
Strong together you hunt for survival,
Man and his gun your only rival.
Wolves. Such beautiful creatures you are, and yet, man is out to destroy you. What did you ever do wrong? This was your land for generations. Now it is filled with dim echoes of the forest it...
Famous Poem
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
I was born one day to the sunny sky;
The light was quite a surprise.
My mother fed me and kept me warm,
While I was small in size.
It proves animals have feelings too. They are the same as humans.
Thunder of hooves across the land,
A gallant proud stallion is leading his band,
With grace and beauty they gallop and run,
Enjoying the freedom and warmth of the sun.
Incredible! This poem is so good, one in a thousand horse poems!
Famous Poem
A bird came down the walk:
He did not know I saw;
He bit an angle-worm in halves
And ate the fellow, raw.
I take walks daily with my dog to visit and hang out with friends. Fall is the prettiest show-off with her colorful jewels! The birds and squirrels play hide and seek within and keep me...
As the caterpillar sleeps inside its cocoon
Like a baby wrapped in her blanket
She waits and waits until she blooms
Into a beautiful new life
This poem caught my attention at the very last moment and I had given it to my 10 yr old daughter for memorizing within an hour for her elocution contest and to my surprise she was selected...
Sleek, slender, cracking whip
dip, arch, circle,
agile, quick, deceitfully frail,
is the delicate Art of the tiger Tail
Famous Poem
He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ringed with the azure world, he stands.
This poem touched my heart as no other poem has. I love nature and most poems don't interest me. When I can, I am outside in nature and when I have to go inside, I fall just like the Eagle at...
I'm a stunning display of black and white,
Contrasting stripes to captivate sight.
My mane stands up straight and proud.
The Nightingale sang her song
For all the world to hear.
She sang it loud, she sang it true
To all that had an ear.
This is touching and well spiced with rhetorical devices.
Famous Poem
Burly dozing humblebee!
Where thou art is clime for me.
Let them sail for Porto Rique,
Far-off heats through seas to seek,
This poem really touched me. Fantastic work, truly beautiful.
Crouched in grasses - sun is sinking
food will come for evening drinking
silent - still - panting - thinking,
resting in the heat of sun.
Famous Poem
A narrow fellow in the grass
Occasionally rides;
You may have met him,--did you not,
His notice sudden is.
Famous Poem
I caught a tremendous fish
and held him beside the boat
half out of water, with my hook
fast in a corner of his mouth.
It was merely happenstance
As I walked about my home
To note the movement in the grass
Of a creature with a dome.
Under a dock over the sea
Nestled between a lake of debris,
The young swallow spreads out its coat
In desperation to stay afloat.
Thank you again for reading my poems and commenting. I love the poems you have written.
We seem to have a mutual poetic connection even though we are an ocean apart. Thank you so much. ...
It's evening now the sun is down
And it's time for the hunt to begin
Out of my cave off I go with a grisly frown
To take my place as creatures of night, yet once again