Animal Poem

Wolves are wild and beautiful, the heart of the wilderness. Man seems to be foe to everything else on earth including their fellow man.

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Wolves. Such beautiful creatures you are, and yet, man is out to destroy you. What did you ever do wrong? This was your land for generations. Now it is filled with dim echoes of the forest it...

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Cry Of Wolves

© more by Shelagh Bullman

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2011 with permission of the Author.

Rulers of the night, the wilderness is your home,
Man in his ignorance won't leave you alone,
Strong together you hunt for survival,
Man and his gun your only rival.

Mistress of the moon, shadows dancing on Northern skies,
I hear your torment and mournful cries,
Running, hunting, surviving, dying,
From frozen mountain tops I hear your crying.

Great warriors of the night,
I wish you strength and stamina,
Courage in your plight.
You are the heart of the wilderness,
Cool air and mountain snow,
You are part of this land but man is your foe.

So once again the dark night becomes black,
And howling is heard as wolves gather and pack,
With spirit and fight, stamina and charm,
Let no man destroy you, you mean them no harm.

Brave warriors of the night,
In the wilderness be,
Wise and cunning hunters,
Forever be free.

Let your howling join the earth,
May you hunt with no fear,
Let the mountains echo out,
The howl of wolves that fills the mountain air.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Susan by Susan
  • 2 years ago

This poem brought tears to my eyes because it reminded me of my fiance who passed away a few months ago. He loved the grey wolf.

  • Luna Howls by Luna Howls
  • 3 years ago

Wolves. Such beautiful creatures you are, and yet, man is out to destroy you. What did you ever do wrong? This was your land for generations. Now it is filled with dim echoes of the forest it used to be. Still, you were bold and faced your fate with courage. Continue to survive, my warriors. Let your howls ring through the mountains until the world is no more.

  • John Boynee by John Boynee
  • 7 years ago

Amazing, just beautiful. Warriors of the night, I salute you.

  • Lolo Wolf by Lolo Wolf
  • 5 years ago

This poem moved me. I love wolves, and they inspire me in life. Warriors of the night, never surrender.

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