Famous Nature Poem

In this short poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892), he captures the majesty of an eagle hunting from the top of a cliff. This descriptive poem is comprised of tercets (three-line stanzas).

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This poem touched my heart as no other poem has. I love nature and most poems don't interest me. When I can, I am outside in nature and when I have to go inside, I fall just like the Eagle at...

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Famous Poem

The Eagle

Alfred Tennyson By more Alfred Tennyson

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ringed with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.


more Alfred Tennyson

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  • Rating 4.13
  • Poem of the Day
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  • Desiree Wagner by Desiree Wagner
  • 5 years ago

This poem touched my heart as no other poem has. I love nature and most poems don't interest me. When I can, I am outside in nature and when I have to go inside, I fall just like the Eagle at the end of the poem. I feel that this poem is a good fit for people that spend lots of time in nature (and enjoy that time!).

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