41. I Light The Torch
I light a torch and hold it high
It shines so bright it lights the sky
You see the light, you know it's me
You find the strength and set yourself free
I light a torch and hold it high
It shines so bright it lights the sky
You see the light, you know it's me
You find the strength and set yourself free
do your secrets rip and roar?
do they tear at you with open claws?
do your secrets dig down deep?
do the make you want to speak?
Famous Poem
I care not for the many,
If but my few are kind;
How poor are they who never joy
Apart from crowds can find.
My darling, remember those days long ago,
When we both held hands through rain and snow?
We cheerfully chatted and were full of fresh life.
How positive we were in our strife.
Just a simple smile, a soft caress, a sweet kiss.
Just a step away, an arm's length, from unthinkable bliss.
Just a two word 'I do,' a ring on the finger, a honey moon.