1. Love So Amazing
My love for you is like the raging sea,
So powerful and deep it will forever be.
Through storm, wind, and heavy rain,
It will withstand every pain.
In today's world, where the roles of men and women are changing so rapidly it may be difficult for a husband to figure out his role. A man can no longer expect to be the breadwinner, and come home to a set table with a five course dinner and his pipe prepared next to his easy chair. It has now become standard for a woman to have her own career and for her husband to share in childcare and housekeeping duties. At the same time he is still a husband to a woman who may expect him to be ideal example of masculinity and machismo. Balancing what is new and what might always stay the same is a difficult task for a husband.
My love for you is like the raging sea,
So powerful and deep it will forever be.
Through storm, wind, and heavy rain,
It will withstand every pain.
This poem touched me because it reminds me of my boyfriend. We can't be together but we still climb mountains and swim the deepest oceans to be together because we love each other .
I don't think you will
ever fully understand
how you've touched my life
and made me who I am.
Hello Eden,
I just read what you wrote and can somehow understand your pain. I lost my dad as well after the birth of my first child. When my child entered the early years of kindergarten is...
I promise to be true to you tomorrow and today.
I promise I will love you. My love will never fade.
I promise to be there for you in good times and in bad.
I promise I will wear your ring and always hold your hand.
I love reading all the different poems. It put smile on my face and brightened my day. I feel happy each time I read these poems, and I am glad that I found Family friends poems. Thank you so...
Every morning I wake up and see
The most handsome man lying next to me.
He's the one I cherish and love,
A blessing sent from Heaven above.
Married thirty seven years, and it still feels like yesterday. Communication is the road to success. Best wishes to all. Belfast xxx
I want to be your motivation, inspiration, and everything in between.
I want to be the reason for your smile, the one who turns your frown upside down.
I want to be the one you look up to and admire and the one you desire.
The voice in your heart, not your ear, telling you everything that you need, not want to hear.
Thank you for sharing your story through your poem. My husband is about to go into the hospital for a major operation and will be there for two weeks, which will be hard for us both to be...
You tell me every day
How much I mean to you.
Now it's time for me to say
What I know is absolutely true.
I cannot promise
you that there will be no sad moments in your life,
But I promise
This poem is so lovely, simple, truthful, and sweet. What a perfect poem to read as part of your marriage vows. If I ever do get married (at 68, probably never), but if I did, I would ask...
My love and I
Met years ago.
When we first met
We loved each other so.
You and I have made a life together
You and I complement each other
You and I are best of friends
His boots may be dusty
From sitting by the door,
And his saddle a little weathered;
It doesn't get oiled anymore.
You are my first thought in the morning,
My last thought at night.
For you, I have always been longing.
You bring me so much delight.
My fiance came into my life and stole my soul, and I thank God every day for this man that I prayed for.
When you make love to me everything seems right,
You seem to take my hand and guide me through the night.
You reach to take my fears and throw them to the past,
You penetrate my soul in hopes to make it last.
My fiance came into my life when God saw fit and I realized very soon he is the man I prayed for. He isn't perfect. Yes, he makes mistakes, but he's more a solution than he is a problem, and...
Without you, my dear
I would not be here
I would not be the person I am today
You support me and you love me...
I met my husband deep in my addiction and never knew that someone could love me the way he does because of my past. Now we've been in love for 3 years. He treats my two oldest, 14-year-old...
If I forget to tell you, I had a wonderful time
For all the todays and tomorrows
And for the years we left behind.
If I forget to tell you, I love your calm
I am so thankful to my husband for loving me unconditionally and sincerely.
You've been in our lives for so many seasons.
I'm pouring my heart out for that very reason.
I've given you life, my husband and friend.
Our love affair shall never end,
I gave this poem to my dad on fathers day and he had tears in eyes because that is how sweet this poem is
I've spent the day thinking,
wondering if it's real.
There has to be a special way
to show you how I feel.
I was very touched by this poem, and I couldn't believe what I read when I read it! I've been with my husband for 16 years and married 10 years. The name they used in this poem is also my...
The things I love about you
Aren't going away with age.
You will still calm me down,
Perk me up, get me excited,
My heart doesn't belong to me.
You have its only access key.
Life is meaningful because of you.
The sound of YOUR voice is like...
A whisper to my ears,
Pure and pleasant to hear!
The sparkle of YOUR eyes...
I have spent a lifetime loving you
the way you smile
the way you talk
the way you walk