Husband Poem

Love As We Grow Older

As I grow older it comes to mind that It really isn't about anything except the love you have for the one you are with, the beauty of being with someone and cherishing those moments

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Love And Age

Jac Judy A. Campbell © more by Jac Judy A. Campbell

Published by Family Friend Poems September 17, 2024 with permission of the Author.

The things I love about you
Aren't going away with age.
You will still calm me down,
Perk me up, get me excited,
and drive me crazy.
It's not how handsome you are,
Or how you look in your clothes
It's seeing your smile when we meet
after a long day apart,
It's the wink you give me from
Across the room.
The special excitement of keeping
It all brand new.
It's not the silver in your hair,
Or the hat or tie you wear,
It's the pat of affection as I pass by
It's the laughter when we share a joke,
It's sneaking around with you having a rendezvous
It's the sweetness in your voice,
It's being there when you're needed
And the loneliness when you're not,
It's sitting beside you watching a baseball game.
It's the snugs and hugs in the middle of the night
The things I love about you
Aren't going away with age.



Jac Judy A. Campbell is a poet by heart and a writer by nature, and she is thrilled to be able to share part of herself that others will enjoy. She reads a lot of good books and loves arts and crafts, sewing, crocheting, cooking, and growing a garden. She is happily married, takes care of her husband, and enjoys her children and...

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