1. Second Best
I have a heart and it's quite broken.
I read your words as if they were spoken.
You'll always love her for the rest of your life,
When we are confused about love we should work to become more self aware. We can then look inwards to find answers. Every experience that we have is encoded in our brains. What is the purpose of filing away all that data? Although we are unaware of it, our subconscious dictates many important life decisions we make including who we choose to love. The subconscious has access to all our memories. Working to bring awareness to memories that are dictating our decisions, will help us make better choices about our relationships.
I have a heart and it's quite broken.
I read your words as if they were spoken.
You'll always love her for the rest of your life,
This poem really hits home right now. My husband's ex caused him so much damage emotionally that he's afraid of being hurt again, so he does the hurting before anything even happens. After 14...
How can you see through me
When you never look my way?
How do you breathe freely
When I'm holding mine all day?
This is my life right now. I can relate to every word. Same. My husband and I haven't been in a good place for a while now. I don't think love matters at this point. We don't even acknowledge...
What does the word love
Really mean?
Is it only a wishful
No matter how much time passes, no matter what I do, or what people say, I just can't tell my heart to stop loving him. Time does not make it better. I asked myself many times can a person...
I can surely relate to this poem and these were exactly the words I kept on asking myself before my ex-boyfriend and I broke up. I don't know where things went wrong or where the both of us...
Day by day,
Miles apart,
I hold him close
In my heart.
I don't have much of a story but I did want to leave a comment: I really liked this poem. It felt very personal as I turned someone away many years ago. I still love her to this day. I...
See the lonely girl,
Trying to pass the day.
Hiding her tears behind her curls,
There isn't much to say.
This is me, a lonely girl sitting alone...just trying to pass each day 'cause I am not allowed to show my emotions to people around me, fearing that they will not understand. He proposed, but...
When I'm missing you,
I feel a million miles away.
I long for your touch.
Why do I stay when I want to go?
Is it because I have hope?
Or maybe it is because I don't want to be alone.
The moment I think about you
I go to another world
A world where you love me too
And where I can never be hurt
I've liked a girl for three years. After one year I told her how I felt. We were young, and so she said she was not ready to have a relationship. I accepted that, but the rejection burned so...
The answer lies true in my heart,
So if I tell you, will you tear it apart?
Or will you keep it a secret so only you know?
Will you cover it up so it won't show?
I fell in love with a person who doesn't even live on the same side of the world as me - I'm in the States, and they're in Asia. They show their affection by playing with me, teasing,...
Free fall down into the unknown
give you my heart and relinquish my soul
it's best for what life shall bestow
so I take a big step in the unknown
This is so similar to how I feel. I am falling deep for someone, but I have been hurt so much that I am scared to death. Every relationship I have been in has hurt, my first and second...
Don't you want someone
Who makes you laugh,
Who'd help you when you cry?
Don't you want someone
Beautiful poetry, and for all the loving things you mention, the answer is a great big Yes!
She tells him she loves him, when really she doesn't care,
all along she plays this game unfair.
He thinks that he loves her, when he couldn't really care less,
he's just in need of someone to caress.
Analysis of Form and Technique
I wish he could know
What I'm too scared to show.
I wish he could see
Just how much he means to me.
Dear Ana,
My heart goes out to you. I'm considering myself a very romantic person, and with my life's (quite substantial) experience I can safely tell you this: based on what you wrote...
Can't help myself from feeling sad,
the feelings I had from you are something I never had.
Trying to move on and let all of it go,
I can see the pain in your eyes from the hurt in your heart,
and I'd really love to fix it, just don't know where to start.
Every time you let me in a little, you shut me right back out,
and it makes me wanna scream,
The feeling of your lips pressed up against mine..
your hands on my back make me feel like you're finally mine.
My heart has been racing, the rush I feel is so intense.
I couldn't stop if I wanted to when it comes to kissing you,
I met him at college. We were both 18. I had a crush that turned to love as I got to know him. But I never confessed. We parted ways after graduation, never keeping in touch. 30 years later...
Together we may struggle,
but without you, all I feel is pain.
Sometimes I may seem confused,
but there is one thing that will never change.
We were in the service and stationed at the same base. I'd seen her at the PX a few times. I knew she was the one I wanted. I learned from one of her friends that she was Catholic. Our...
I've never been the type to say what I feel
So basically I keep everything inside
And with you it was no different
I want to tell you, believe me I've tried
I'm a senior in high school. I've liked the same guy since freshmen year. Sophomore year, I put a note in his locker. The note told him how a sweet man he is and his father (who passed away)...