Confused about Love Poem

Poem Questioning If I'm Loved Back

Wondering if I am loved back

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I've liked a girl for three years. After one year I told her how I felt. We were young, and so she said she was not ready to have a relationship. I accepted that, but the rejection burned so...

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Loving You So Much

© more by Nora

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

The moment I think about you
I go to another world
A world where you love me too
And where I can never be hurt

The truth is I don't know what to say
My mind goes completely blank
I have never in my life lost my way
But my heart with your love simply sank

If letting go was a choice
Then I definitely would
But I can't control the strong voice
That's telling me I never should

I have no clue
On how I should let you go
What is it that you do
That's making me love you so?

Maybe loving you isn't a mistake
Maybe I can close my eyes and smile
Maybe in your presence my heart wouldn't break
Maybe I can just dream for a while...

I sometimes wonder if you feel the same
I wonder if you think of me
I sometimes wonder if you silently call my name
I wonder if you'll ever see...

In the beginning I thought it was fake
I didn't think I'd go this far
I thought it was just a mistake
Now I can't stop wondering where you are

The question is do you care?
Do you even know?
Will you always be there?
Will you ever let me go?

If for any reason I cried
Would you take all the pain away?
If for any reason you lied
Would I still want you to stay?

My love for you is way too strong
For me to simply forget
Some people might think it's wrong
But your love is the one thing I shan't regret.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Luka G by Luka G
  • 4 years ago

I've liked a girl for three years. After one year I told her how I felt. We were young, and so she said she was not ready to have a relationship. I accepted that, but the rejection burned so much and I tried to kill myself. I was put in a psychiatric hospital where I healed from my heartbreak for three months. Or so I thought. I met a boy in the hospital and started dating him. He and my love became good friends because well, she is my best friend. That lasted for eight months until I told him I still had feelings for her. He cheated and we ended, which placed me in another hospital for a month. After that, things went back to normal. It has been a year since I went to the hospital, and we are close to graduating. About a month ago, she told me she likes one of our other friends. I told her they'd be good together because they would. About a week ago I told her how I feel again and as I had thought, she doesn't return my feelings. This poem hit close to home because I love her so much.

  • Kirsty Havenga by Kirsty Havenga
  • 9 years ago

I am only 13 but I've already found someone I love just as much. I thought it was a mistake but he proved me wrong, he changed my life and now I am a committed Christian again and my life is so much better. I think he was into my life for a reason. Please girls, don't take your guy for granted!

  • Chelsi Huxley by Chelsi Huxley
  • 7 years ago

I can actually relate to that. It's so heart-warming. i know that it sounds crazy because I'm so young, but I'm in love.

  • Justin Crossen by Justin Crossen
  • 8 years ago

That is great to hear someone your age becomes dedicated to Jesus. I'm astounded and happy for you.

  • AJ by AJ, Michigan
  • 9 years ago

I feel your sarrow, your pain, your love.
I, too, have been in love for as long as I remember. To this one man.
It has always been him.
It always will be.
I know it because as much as I want this feeling to vanish, to pass, it remains in my heart.
At first, simply thinking of him resulted in an unexplainable feeling. But now it's getting to the point where it's actually painful. An aching feeling in my heart.
We spoke about our feelings. Once. We both admitted we had feelings for one another. Too bad this was done electronically. And little did he know, I cried. Tears of joy.
Unfortunately, after that one conversation, everything went back to ordinary. It's like we never spoke.
To this day (2 years later), we don't talk.
I wish he knew what he means to me.
Not a day goes by where I don't think of him.
Wondering if he still feels the same.
I love him.
I always will.

  • Lilith by Lilith
  • 10 years ago

I'm 20 years old and I've had this crush on this guy for a very long time and even though I told him my feelings he doesn't want to accept them. Sometimes I wonder if he ever felt any feelings for me. Every time I see him it hurts a lot knowing that you can't be with the person you want to be with.

  • Kumkum P by Kumkum P
  • 7 years ago

I've had a crush on this boy for a long time. I even told him my feeling in a game of truth and dare. Sometimes he flirts with me. Sometimes other girls. I don't know whether he is into me or not. And he just keeps giving mixed signals. And it hurts to see him with other girls. I hate the way I feel around him. Nervous. Tongue tied. Star struck. It hurts to know he makes me feel this way and I don't. Also, I am very insecure, so it just adds fuel to fire.

  • Kasper by Kasper
  • 8 years ago

It's hard to think the same when you can't get someone out of your brain. It's been a while you've known each other, but it seems like you never bother. You wish to tell them how you feel, frightened you turn the other cheek. Will they ever know how much they mean? You fake a smile and hope they don't know. Pretending and never letting it show. When you can't hold it in anymore, and your lungs suddenly feel like they're going to burst from the truth that starts to burn. Tell them now; let it out.

  • Shaley by Shaley
  • 10 years ago

I am 16 and have never dated but I had crushes, my friends are pressuring me but although I get very lonely I'm just not ready and I am not confident in myself through dating

  • Benny by Benny, Manhattan
  • 10 years ago

This poem is just meant for me. I fell in love with my first love at age 23, now I'm 35, he got married 10 years ago and I've been married for 7 years myself, but I felt I've given him all my heart and it's so difficult for me to love again. We are still in contact with each other. He is my best friend but he is the only man I've ever loved, and will ever truly love. He is just my all. Though we have not seen each other in over 8 years, my heart is always with him. Not a single day goes by without me missing and thinking of me.

  • Madhavi by Madhavi
  • 8 years ago's so sweet...your love and feelings are very intense and deep ...If you have deep faith in your love, you should let him know in a very gentle and subtle way. But take care that you do not get hurt in the process. Every human being thinks and feels differently. Whatever may be the outcome, respect his feelings and yourself, too. Maybe you can let him know that you would always love him and you would hold a special place in your heart for him...Be gentle...All the best

  • Donae'' Billet by Donae'' Billet
  • 10 years ago

This poem is awesome, it reminds me of my love. It's like we think the same things. He loved me and I loved him. Our relationship was so awesome, I can't explain it. When I look at him I go blank and I was deeply in love with him. But, now we're just friends

  • Nesha by Nesha, Florida
  • 11 years ago

I really love this poem, this guy was my crush, now we're talking and we have gotten to know each other, he's way older, and the first month told me he loved me, but now because of the disagreements we've had I don't know if he feels the way I do. I can never get him out my head, I try but I can't. He even told me he can't give me a relationship now. But I don't know if I should move on or not? Should I tell him how I feel? I think I'm deeply in love with him, I can't seem to move on.

  • Maddie by Maddie, New Jersey
  • 11 years ago

I hear you. My first love was very painful. But now I think this:
Pain molds you into the person you become. A challenge. One life. Never waste it. Never lose it. Beauty a curse- I didn't choose it. In school I'm stuck, but I stay clueless. Changing takes effort, people take time, my life is just a book with out a bind. Closing my chapters, sealing my pages, finding my true love will take me ages.

  • Mary by Mary
  • 11 years ago

I'm in love with this guy who's in 7th grade named Thomas. I am in 7th grade to. But Thomas loves another girl. It breaks my heart but my heart tells me that I should keep loving him but my mind tells me to forget about him. It hurts me every time and he even knows I like him but he doesn't know I love him. I know I'm a little too young to love someone but we have known each other since kindergarten and we just met and he already loves some else so yea that's my story

  • Ashton Prins by Ashton Prins, Cape Town
  • 11 years ago

When experiencing first love, it is overwhelming and amazing. This poem is a perfect example for us to think whether or not our spouse is the perfect one.
Hey Nora, you have talent of writing amazing poetry. Although your ex-spouse inspired your writing, but use Love to continue, so you can further your encouragement to those who find it difficult in love. I am inspired by this poem and I believe many are.

  • Amy by Amy, Johannesburg
  • 11 years ago

My word! I totally relate to this poem. Absolutely gorgeous. Totally reminds me of my first love. Thank you for posting!

  • Daffodillies by Daffodillies, Vietnam
  • 11 years ago

Thanks very much, Nora. Your poem has touched me most emotionally. It naturally went into the bottom of my heart and stayed there. But I didn't know whether I might, or should, share it with the person I've been loving and just bloodily broken heart in saying goodbye with him about two months ago.

  • Denise by Denise, Ballito
  • 11 years ago

Hi , I met this guy online and we have been chatting for the last 2 weeks , I'm completely in love, in the beginning I didn't trust him because I thought it was just a scam, too good to be true, I broke up with him then he convinced me , it was all real, We still haven't met in person, but the chemistry and the love is overpowering. I know that this is true and will last until eternity.

  • Caitlin Smryna by Caitlin Smryna
  • 12 years ago

Love is hard to find but I found it. I am so happy to be with him, and people said love is not true. It is. I found him and I will love him forever.

  • England by England
  • 12 years ago

This poem rings true for me. I spent years up until now wondering what could have been. I think about him a lot and miss them so but I guess it's not meant to be....

  • Jaswin by Jaswin, Abbotsford
  • 12 years ago

This poem reminds me of my crush. I am ready to die for him. But the question to myself is does he even know my full name. I wonder about him day and night. but thinking about him is it really going to make him like me. I wish he knew more about me rather them my name.

  • Noraby Nora Poet
  • 14 years ago

hey everyone, this is Nora, thank you all for your comments, I'm glad this poem has touched you, to be honest I stopped writing poems partly because the person who inspired both the poems I posted isn't in my life anymore and I feel like I can't write without having him back...

  • TheInsightfulwriter Gano by TheInsightfulwriter Gano
  • 5 years ago

Hey Nora, you've come a long way to stop now. Keep writing. Your pen is powerful and it can change lives. I am a poet myself. Build inspiration and keep writing; don't ever let him stop you. Whenever you're lost and need inspiration, go through the comments and see how many people you've touched, and I hope it inspires you to write more knowing that there are so many people out there who are looking forward to your words. Thanks!

  • Cory Moore by Cory Moore
  • 14 years ago

This poem when I read it, it made me want to share it with others. It just really touched me.

  • Anika by Anika
  • 16 years ago

That was definitely one of the best poems I've ever read! It's sad and also really beautiful, the way you describe is how many people think of their First Love :) I love it!

  • Edgar Hernandez by Edgar Hernandez
  • 16 years ago

This is such a great poem I can relate to. When I first started dating my girlfriend I didn't think it'd last so long but then things started to turn around and I fell in love with her. I'm not sure if she's with me or if she feels the same way. Anyway as time went by she slowly crushed my heart into small pieces and like a fool I told her to keep it. I slowly fixed myself up and we got back together. And now ever since that time she cheated on me I ask myself....does she really love me like she says she does? Am I a spare? Will I ever truly understand if what we have is special or not.

  • dan by dan
  • 16 years ago

Made me tear up, it is exactly what I feel for my first and only love.

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