41. How Do You Measure Success In This Life?
How do you measure success in this life?
And who should decide if you fail?
Do life's sweet temptations guide you along?
Or in the end does your conscience prevail?
How do you measure success in this life?
And who should decide if you fail?
Do life's sweet temptations guide you along?
Or in the end does your conscience prevail?
Time is slow, time is fast.
It never stops, but it always lasts.
It's time for bed, it's time for school.
To waste your time is to be a fool.
Sisters made a great impact on my life. In 1949, at age six, I was brought to St Clara's Orphanage because neighbors found me alone in an empty house. It just so happened that I was born with...
If Love is a dream,
then I shall always dream.
If Love is an earthquake,
then let it shake me.
The conflict between love and hate is beautifully brought out. It is said that love and hate are like the two sides of a coin which remain so close to each other. This reminds me of the poems...
Hell is other people.
-Jean-Paul Sartre
Hell is other people who
That's so true. I am from somewhere where flat girls are considered beautiful. My friends often make fun of me because I am not flat like them, and it often makes me cry, but now I'm used to...
It’s the little things
isn’t it
that mean more than anything
and the simple pleasures
Famous Poem
Life has loveliness to sell,
All beautiful and splendid things,
Blue waves whitened on a cliff,
Soaring fire that sways and sings,
How wonderful to stop, really see, and appreciate what nature gives us. I too love the crashing waves, the dancing flames and beautiful smells around us, we need to be mindful of every moment...
You are the only one
who can save you
no one else can
do it for you
Your springtime has gone.
Your summers have passed.
Autumn's now waving goodbye.
I can't prevent attitudes
from knocking upon my door,
but I decide which to let in
and which ones to ignore.
I wake up each day
On this journey of mine,
Grabbing each moment
Of my limited time.
I just love your work, as I've said so often before. I hate to think of you ever feeling down, as you do so much to lift up others with your writing. All the very best, Ann.
Why do we begin if we don't plan to finish?
Why do we love if we don't want to get hurt?
Why do we live if someday we must die?
Why do we smile if we really hurt inside?
Most of the answers to this poem in my eyes would be hope.
If this day is my last,
I will be rejoicing,
Reminiscing my memories since my life came to being.
I will spend this day only by praying
Famous Poem
The holiest of all holidays are those
Kept by ourselves in silence and apart;
The secret anniversaries of the heart,
When the full river of feeling overflows;--
"I"n this moment, my heart is open.
"N"ever before have I felt such powerful emotion.
It is "N"ow that I realize the true meaning of living.
It is for being loved, loving, "A"nd also forgiving.
The future is too far away to dream of.
The past is too far behind to dwell on.
The world is too big to go unnoticed.
Nature is too beautiful to be passed by.
Famous Poem
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
I watch the hands on the clock tick by
And I wonder where time goes.
Will this be the year to end all years?
Well, only God can know.
Excellent poem, as always. Keep writing...
Very best wishes,
There is no reason to feel troubled
if your path has not been made clear to you yet.
When you remain true to your spirit,
courageous in action,
I hate people who’ve hurt me
so you’ll never hear me say
I must love them harder.
I know that
There are only a handful of people
You'll meet in life
That truly touch your heart
And make you glad you're alive
Our son, Christian, passed away suddenly at the age of 26 on October 20th, 2006. I came across this poem; it reminded me so much of our Christian. He had that type of personality and the...