61. Which Way Life?
A life won't do you favors
There's no map for roads to take
Experience is our only guide
A life won't do you favors
There's no map for roads to take
Experience is our only guide
You can be unhappy and still be in love.
You can be in love and still walk away.
You can walk away and still feel the weight of loss.
You can feel the weight of loss and still stand tall.
If they make you
work for their attention
fight for their affection
beg for their love
A sad truth that takes many of us far too long to realize. Just because we want something or even think we deserve it, doesn't mean we will get it or even need it.
Striving daily for progress,
Learning a paradox too --
That it's not always forward movement;
Sometimes, the reverse will do.
I've only just found this poem of yours - I like it very much. I must look out for more of your work. Very best wishes, Ann.
There's a goal in mind
Of riches and fame
There's a goal in mind
Of a well-known name
I'll never forget when I first met Desire,
The feelings I had; my heart raging with fire.
She helped me believe all things were in reach,
As long as I had her to guide and to teach.
Another brilliant poem - I'm smiling even now as I write this comment. Just keep writing - your poems must give many others the same pleasure as they give me.
I used to believe
that I had to learn
how to love myself
before I could take care
There would have been
so much I would have
done differently
if only I had known
First off, I like the poem. I too have pondered that same notion about going back in time and changing things for a better outcome. It's hard to say either way. Things could have been better...
You are not defined
by the way other people
see you
treat you
Famous Poem
You may labor your fill, friend of mine, if you will;
You may worry a bit, if you must;
You may treat your affairs as a series of cares,
You may live on a scrap and a crust;
If you're tired of doing nothing
Rubbing your eyes until they're red
Getting bored and feeling blank
With no thoughts in your head
Can a lush green forest grow
On a barren piece of land?
Or a building be constructed
On a giant heap of sand?
Winter oh winter, how long will you stay?
Winter good old winter will you ever go away?
I liked you in the beginning and in the middle you were fine!
But, can someone pass me some crackers to go with my whine?
When choices present throughout the whole day
Enticing you to go this or that way
With convincing arguments that both sides portray;
I find answers are oft in the middle.
A picture says a thousand words; a smile can too.
A laugh can tell you a lot, as well...
but to hide behind those things is quite easy to do.
In these days of chaos and doubt,
Don't listen to the loudest shout.
Listen to the whisper within.
Love someone as best you can,
but love.
And have a dog,
When you are willing
to let go of
what you are used to
and what you are
I am but a small oyster
In a deep complicated sea
The waves pushing and rolling
Love this poem. "I was never the oyster" You were all along the pearl. Perception at its finest.