Famous Inspirational Poem

In the poem "Don't Take Your Troubles To Bed" by Edmund Vance Cooke, the poet advises against carrying the burdens of the day into the realm of sleep. Through concise and straightforward language, the poem offers a simple yet profound message. The poet uses rhyme and rhythm to create a lyrical quality, enhancing the poem's flow. The repeated refrain emphasizes the importance of leaving worries and troubles behind at the end of the day. The personification of Death adds a sense of urgency and reminds the reader of the fleeting nature of life. Ultimately, the poem urges readers to find solace and peace in sleep by releasing their troubles and embracing the restful respite of the night.

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Famous Poem

Don't Take Your Troubles To Bed

By more Edmund Vance Cooke

You may labor your fill, friend of mine, if you will;
You may worry a bit, if you must;
You may treat your affairs as a series of cares,
You may live on a scrap and a crust;
But when the day's done, put it out of your head;
Don't take your troubles to bed.

You may batter your way through the thick of the fray,
You may sweat, you may swear, you may grunt;
You may be a jack-fool if you must, but this rule
Should ever be kept at the front: --
Don't fight with your pillow, but lay down your head
And kick every worriment out of the bed.

That friend or that foe (which he is, I don't know),
Whose name we have spoken as Death,
Hovers close to your side, while you run or you ride,
And he envies the warmth of your breath;
But he turns him away, with a shake of his head,
When he finds that you don't take your troubles to bed


more Edmund Vance Cooke

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