41. Thoughts For Life
We are on this planet for a limited span of time;
Validity of our life's visa can end anytime.
Begin your day with enthusiasm and end with satisfaction;
We are on this planet for a limited span of time;
Validity of our life's visa can end anytime.
Begin your day with enthusiasm and end with satisfaction;
Each morning of this month
When you rise upon your bed,
May it be with renewed grace
To face the day ahead.
Famous Poem
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
We are only falling stars,
Fleeting sparks that arc
Across the vast forever of time
Through others' nights,
Life's like a book -- a chapter, a page.
Remembering our youth as fast as we age.
Life is a song; we choose what to sing.
Living is hard; what will it bring?
An inspirational poem, equipped with sunshine as well as black clouds hovering over our head. A poem so appealing to recite again and again! I love the following lines...
* Roots never...
Start off with faith and trust in God.
Then add courage; you'll need a lot.
Take a few dreams and lots of inspiration;
Mix them with passion and dedication.
If you think you can reach the sky,
Why don't you flap your wings to fly?
Always give strength to your mind and soul.
One day you're gonna kick your goal.
If the mighty oak could speak the words
Of the times that it's been tried,
It'd speak about growing roots
Instead of how it died.
We have but a short time
On this earth,
So value your life
For what it's really worth.
Driving home one day after hours of monotonous office work,
Saw a man sitting by the road; looked as one down on his luck.
Paid small notice to the figure; my lonely life was in a rut.
He was just another beggar holding out a shiny tin cup.
What a beautiful poem. God bless all the veterans: dead, alive, and the ones still fighting. To all of you, a proud salute, my prayers, and love.
In the face of many troubles,
Side by side we will stand.
It's not as though we crumble.
Instead, we gain to understand.
Famous Poem
If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be a scrub in the valley — but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.
Two years ago I was in depression and isolated. I felt frequently that I was worthless and deserved no love, no appreciation, no friends. I kept myself aloof from everyone, thinking that I...
Are you losing faith?
Are you feeling low?
Are you crying out loud,
Craving to be loved?
Purple veins strain against the skin.
Pale, translucent, paper thin.
Skinny fingers clawed in monstrous shapes,
Brown spots from years that she can't erase.
Dear Angie,
I should have responded much sooner to your beautiful comment about my poem. I am so thrilled that you could completely relate to my words and then share them with others to help...
I bend but do not break.
I've been lost, but I'm not a loser.
I'm a wreck, but I'm not totaled.
I'm fractured but not broken.
I really love this poem! I can definitely relate. Just recently I had to end a friendship, and I felt terrible about it. I felt broken, felt as though I had failed, but I came to realize that...
Death is an inevitable fate.
Someday we have to go.
You hope you did
your best in life,
Look not back on yesterday
or what you have left behind.
For only today is yours to claim,
and this moment only is your time.
Very easy read. Very good content. Advice I agree with. It can be hard for me to leave yesterday behind, but I can't relive it. So, I access it for what I did well and wrong. I try to learn...
Famous Poem
Shadows on the wall
Noises down the hall
Life doesn't frighten me at all
I think this is a really good poem because it teaches kids not to give up and hide in the shadows and actually express themselves.
Vagaries of this life can be
Tough and hard to fathom,
And yet have they conquered me?
Look how far I've come.
This is definitely an inspirational poem. Everyone has challenges in life, but how we deal with them is crucial to our own well-being. My favorite stanza was the second!
For most of my life, I've been on a quest
To discover just who I might be,
Earnestly searching, day after day,
So desperate to recognize me.
Wow this poem is so beautiful! I'm surprised there aren't more comments under it! Right now I feel like I don't know myself and need to discover who I am. This piece really comforted me to...