1. My New Endeavor
From window sills
To pictured thrills
A life that's now forgotten
Life is a lot of work. What is it that gives us the strength to continue when we are tired and burned out? Sometimes an inspirational idea can help us renew ourselves and be filled with strength to fulfill our life's purpose. Inspiration comes in many forms. However, the root of all inspiration is the idea that our lives are meaningful. Inspiration is knowing that what I do matters deeply to the universe. When you have the feeling that your actions are meaningful, you will become filled with strength and vigor to fulfill your life's purpose.
From window sills
To pictured thrills
A life that's now forgotten
Thank you for the kind words, Ann! Ironically, your story and poems are amongst those that inspired some of these words so I'm glad to hear that it at least resonates in some capacity! May...
I feel like an imposter
Like I'm not good enough
I firmly believe in writing for well-being, it helped me enormously through my husband's terminal illness. People on Family Friends are so kind with their comments and encouragement. So,...
through struggle and pain,
As a rainbow appears
only after the rain.
There's a need for more bridges than fences
There's a need for more love and less hate
There's a need for more laughers than critics
There's a need for more use and less waste
Thank you so much for the kind outreach and encouraging words! I can only hope to inspire others with a vast collection like you someday! I love your poetry and have learned a lot by your...
In life's symphony, my note dances astray,
A unique tale unfolding, forging my own way.
Within the labyrinth of conformity's grip,
I defy the mold, embracing my own script.
Along a path, there was a bush,
That grew in marshy ground.
Its branches thick and laden down,
With berries big and round.
You're breaking the cycle
Its starts with you today
So with that power
This I want you to say
Child, stand strong holding your head up high,
Believe me, your life path is far from over,
For a moment, you may wince in wrenching pain and cry,
Not knowing you'll soon find your own four-leafed clover.
Thanks Ann! Yes, writing the poem has helped me and like you, l find writing poems quite therapeutic. So sorry to hear about your husband's terminal illness. I hope you continue to find...
There's a goal in mind
Of riches and fame
There's a goal in mind
Of a well-known name
Catch your dream, don't let it go
'cause time is faster than you'll ever know.
No matter what, don't give up on what you believe.
When you give, you'll always receive.
Keep your eyes on the prize
Watching for the finish line
Taking in another breath of air
You realize in just a few minutes
One day,
She will break her silence.
She will scream.
She will shout.
Famous Poem
With doubt and dismay you are smitten
You think there's no chance for you, son?
Why, the best books haven't been written
The best race hasn't been run,
I know the screams sound like thunder
I promise we won't go under
I know the heart feels hollow
There will be blessings behind the shadow
I can't wait to hold you in my arms
And kiss your tiny nose.
Cherish every moment,
Knowing just how fast you'll grow.
Into this world I came,
The light of the sun,
On my face I craved.
In the cool breezing wind,
Your life is a gift more precious than gold
From the day of your birth, your life starts to unfold
Treat it with kindness and treat it with care
And the strength in your body will always be there
There you are, sneaking upon me!
From the corner of my eye, you make no sound, but I can see!
I ignore you're there, but you grow each day.
You were beautiful
before they said, you are beautiful
You were smart