1. Fear
Famous Poem
It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.
She looks back at the path she has traveled,
Fear is a part of life. It is part of the range of feelings that humans experience on a daily basis. In our culture, fear has come to be experienced as negative. However, the truth is that fear is a perfectly normal feeling to experience and we would all feel a lot better if we simply allowed ourselves to feel it fully. If we do not we will have somatic symptoms of fear that are much more painful than simply allowing the feeling to be felt.
Famous Poem
It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.
She looks back at the path she has traveled,
Famous Poem
There is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average
Human being to supply any given army on any given day
And the best at murder are those who preach against it
Famous Poem
I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see I swallow immediately
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.
I am not cruel, only truthful,
A mirror never lies. It shows what is what exactly. Just as Plath writes: "I am silver and exact". The truth of our mortality is what we keep on negating and the speaker too finds it hard to...
We struggle to have meaning
in this world, which we all know.
We try, but yet we wonder
where we all should go.
Poetry is life, it gives hope to the hopeless and stimulates courage.
Dark mornings know me best,
Know the fear I suppress.
It consumes my heart,
Constricts it tight.
No words can describe what I feel when I look at you.
The glory of your smile brings light to this place.
So simple yet so impossible to understand.
Every move you make is taken in with grace.
This is exactly how I feel. I have always suffered with mental health issues, but when my partner left me last year, I fell to pieces. Even more than a year on, I struggle every day with...
He's the hunter of utterance of destruction
He sleeps when I'm awake
I long to hear him whisper
To give my ears a break
That poem was so deep and thoughtful. I can tell that the author put much effort into it to write it. It inspired me because I have been verbally bullied before and I like to write poems...
I know you're there.
Lurking in the darkness of the night,
Cowering in the shadows, avoiding the light,
Crouched behind the curtain or hid beneath the bed,
You made me run away
from those who loved me anyway.
You pushed me down into the vanity,
blindfolded me from every reality.
Thank you, Eric. Yes, fear usually keeps us away from our desires. It makes us doubt our own ability, and we spend our whole life thinking that we are not good enough, but the moment we...
I lie on my bed, soaking my pillow with my tears.
I try to remember exactly what it is that I fear.
Is it the passing of time or the love that I lack?
Is it the mistakes that I've made or the fact that I can't bring the past back?
I deal with the same things every day...the depression of my past and the pain that I have lived through with traumatizing moments since I was a young child. Growing up, I've been through a...
You poor little girl,
You never grew up.
Trapped in this vessel,
Your feelings erupt.
I agree with you. I believe it's reassuring to many that there's hope for a child's fear to end as an adult, that our fears can end for we're now grown enough to care for ourselves the way we...
This traffic light inside my head
Is always green and never red.
My thoughts, my dreams, and all my fears,
They all speed past my listening ears.
Blessings to you all, I can't say what brought me to this site other than the Holy Spirit. And it allowed me to pause for quite some time reading all of the poems and feedback posted. I know...
Trusting someone
it's like walking with your eyes closed.
Trusting no one
is a sure way to lose those you hold close.
I can relate. I'm going through something like it with my boyfriend.
My eyes glistening with tears,
But not yet fallen.
I'm crying, but they're silent tears.
I'm crying on the inside so you are unable to see
My dad had epilepsy, and i remember waking up in the middle of the night to hear him crying because of his seizures, because he had accidentally hurt one of us. As a kid I was always having...
My brother, my friend, flesh of eternal flesh.
I hold you tightly in my mind.
Our need of life is without words.
We say little to one another but are so alike.
You come in waves
And suffocate me sweetly.
When I think I'm okay,
You sneak in discreetly.
Will I slowly wither like a leaf
That falls upon the earth?
Once void of all its Autumn hues,
It loses all its worth.
Wait, you say, but I want to know.
Wait, you say, but it's just so slow.
Do I need to live with the questions
Or simply wait for your confession?
Someday the gates will open,
and once more I'll be free.
A fact that makes me wonder,
"What will become of me?"
I am a female who is out on parole. I spent 5 years of my life in prison for my crime. They said my punishment was for rehabilitation, but instead they just locked me away. I didn't learn how...
A plethora of predicaments race in my mind at best.
Which one can I fathom to ponder about next?
Shall I even think of acting upon what my mind stirs about,
or cry my soul asleep by this never-ending drought?
I grew up watching my dad and mum argue every single night, he bashed her, over and over again. If it hurt me and I was only watching, imagine being her. Attacked with a chair, with a beer...