21. Coronavirus - Have You Seen
Have you seen the doctors who hardly get to sleep?
From sad weary eyes, silent tears they weep.
They're battling to save hundreds of lives,
Yet see so many dying right before their eyes.
Have you seen the doctors who hardly get to sleep?
From sad weary eyes, silent tears they weep.
They're battling to save hundreds of lives,
Yet see so many dying right before their eyes.
Thank you, Azeezah. Your response is most appreciated... Beryl
Famous Poem
There are two kinds of people on earth to-day;
Just two kinds of people, no more, I say.
Not the sinner and saint, for it’s well understood,
If you have helped one single person
To overcome a prejudicial mind,
You have made an angel sing.
When you feel bad for what you say
Remember your mom wasn't always this way.
She is your mom and used to be
A woman who cared, much like me.
My mom is not 90. She is just 66 and is in that transition phase when you begin to realize she is growing old. It is a hard thing to realize. The woman who took care of you all your...
We all come warmly from the womb,
Unprinted pages to be filled.
Brought forth upon the stage of life
On which our character starts to build.
Alora states just how connected we are with this poem. Her ability to show how encompassing life is, is beautiful! All of us are underneath the same sky with the same sun and moon!
It's sometimes easy to think
We have nothing to give;
Yet we often have more to offer
Than we tend to believe.
Be kind and caring in all that you do
Because no one knows what another goes through.
Be kind and caring in all that you say.
If you can't be kind, sit down and pray.
If only
We'd have helping hands that lead,
Open arms accepting those in need,
Not fingers pointing out misdeeds.
None of us can stop.
We all want to get to the top.
We want to finish in front of the line,
But we're running out of time.
That is so true. So many people think life is just about having an education and getting a job and earning money, but you're right. Life is so much more. Most people fail to realize that...
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words will never hurt me.
That old saying is such nonsense.
Seven AM and I sat at the light,
Watching the train chugging by.
A day like the rest, on the way to my job,
Just routine with no feeling inside.
This is great! I love it! I'm officially a student in an international school. This really helps me a LOT. It didn't only help me for my poem performance, it also teaches people morals. It...
Focus on self only makes
the world a dreary place to live.
But you make it a brighter scene
when you find a way to give.
"Leave a gift for someone
who won't find out it's from you."
That is hitting the bull's eye of generosity, and it's fun.
Close your eyes and picture beauty.
What is it that you see?
A baby, a mountain, a river?
Or maybe an old oak tree?
There's beauty all around you in what we see with the human eye. But there is a beauty that exceeds further that we can imagine. It's the beauty within yourself that shows the world a beauty...
Famous Poem
A little more kindness and a little less greed;
A little more giving and a little less need;
A little more smile and a little less frown;
A little less kicking a man when he's down;
You hold my hand,
I, like a child, feel safe.
You hold my hand,
I feel a warm embrace.
Ann, all of your work is so special, amazing, and creative. I am so jealous at how you can convey a deep, powerful message in so few words. I tend to ramble on and on, and I literally can't...
You don’t have to be a hero
To relieve an aching heart,
To ease the burdens on his shoulder
A kind word will make a start.
We are not the same,
Not in creed, in colour or name.
Yet together we inhabit this earth,
We should value each other's worth.
Thank you, Silas, for your comment. I am pleased my poem resonates with you.
There are only a handful of people
You'll meet in life
That truly touch your heart
And make you glad you're alive
Our son, Christian, passed away suddenly at the age of 26 on October 20th, 2006. I came across this poem; it reminded me so much of our Christian. He had that type of personality and the...
Could there be a world of caring?
Offering our goodwill and sharing
Makes this world a finer place.
Pitying the broken of our race
You don't get to judge me
Till you've walked in my shoes,
Till you've carried my burdens
And paid all my dues,
Fantastic poem - well done. So true. That says it all. I just wish I had written it myself.