Compassion Poem

Poem About Responsibility For Others

At 93, I have come to the realization that each person is a part of the scenery and is therefore responsible for bringing light or darkness into the world. When I write poetry to amuse, comfort, and perhaps inspire, I hope that I am adding a bit of light.

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What If

© more by Alora M. Knight

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2015 with permission of the Author.

If you have helped one single person
To overcome a prejudicial mind,
You have made an angel sing.

If you've withheld hot words of anger,
When control was hard to find,
You have made the heavens ring.

If you keep a smile upon your face,
Though the going's really rough,
You'll be blessed in many ways,

Doing little acts of kindness
Will, perhaps, be just enough
To brighten up somebody's days.

If you find love within your heart,
Do not leave it there unspoken.
There is no greater gift to give.

Reach out to everyone around you,
Let its warmth be spread unbroken
Into this world in which we live.



Words have always been an important part of my life. My mother taught to read before I started school and coached me through winning spelling contests. I had to learn the meaning of the words, too. I've written books and articles for Salesian Inspirational Mission, Chicken Soup for the Sister's Soul, for newspapers and magazines, but receiving...

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