1. Baby Jesus, Child Of Love
Baby Jesus, child of love,
born of Mary, child of God,
born this night to bring us light,
God with us, Emmanuel.
In today's world we are inundated with images of Christmas from the media. We are told that it is all about buying expensive gifts for each other. In today's challenging economic times it is a tragedy that parents spend way more than they can afford to try to please their children. The sad truth is that, "money can't buy you love". A holiday is about the time spent together with loved ones. It is about gifts that come from the heart, and it is the about the thousands of years of tradition that mark the holiday season.
Baby Jesus, child of love,
born of Mary, child of God,
born this night to bring us light,
God with us, Emmanuel.
A long time ago, down Bethlehem way,
A star shown in the night sky as bright as the day.
The shepherds were watching their flocks with care
When a host of angels appeared in the air,
It's a perfect composition for Christmas Eve. The birth of Jesus is the epitome of love, along with his messages and sacrifice for his children. His teachings should be imbibed in our life...
I went to church on Christmas morn to hear the angels sing.
My heart was lifted with every chorus; the rafters, they did ring.
I sang along with joy in my heart, the greatest sound I've ever heard.
From "O Holy Night" to "What Child is This?" I cherished every word.
This a very touching poem telling the perfect way to begin Christmas day. The greatest songs in the world heard on this special day celebrating Jesus, especially this perfect day. Songs bring...
Do you feel the joy when silver bells are ringing
and when you hear the voices of Christmas carolers singing?
Do you feel in awe of the night sky's brightest star,
and feel the blessing that Christmas brings deep inside your heart?
Since you're gone, Christmas time will never be the same.
When asked what I wish for, I can only speak your name.
The only gift I ever want at Christmas time for me
Is my precious, loving son beside my Christmas tree,
Santa, do you know where heaven is?
Maybe your reindeer know the way.
For I have a special present
I need delivered on Christmas day.
Hi Eva I'm so sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is especially this time of year, it's 13 years since my dear wife Ann passed, although it still feels like it was only yesterday.
Christmas is a happy time for friends and family,
The children are excited as they unwrap presents around the tree.
Carols are sung and lights twinkle in the night.
My Granny has just passed away, but I thought of her more like a mother - we were really close. I have been dreading Christmas because it just makes me miss her more. This poem touched my...
I lie here awake, afraid to sleep.
I've prayed the Lord my soul to keep.
My stocking is hung on my bed,
Really brother's long sock instead.
It's not all about presents
Laying under the tree.
Trinkets made of gold
Mean nothing to me.
I really loved this poem. What I love about this poem is its simplicity of what a true gift from the heart is all about. It’s just like Jesus was the gift of love to all the world from God,...
The golden lights are twinkling
With Christmas in the air;
Bing Crosby sweetly singing,
And snowflakes in my hair.
You could have written this poem for me - it will be my first Christmas without my husband. I've written a similar poem myself, but if you check it out you will find it's not as good as...
It's Christmas time,
And I wish you well.
May the Lord bless you
With the best of health.
Hits home! It's perfect, not to long and straight to the point. I could see this in a Christmas card.
Famous Poem
I'd like to be the sort of friend
that you have been to me;
I'd like to be the help that you've been
always glad to be;
Edgar is so in touch with his higher self, therefore, bringing a deep resonance from my heart space just thinking of being loved, appreciated, and cherished in such a way! His speaking of...
'Tis the season for warmth and cheer,
To be with our family and those we hold dear.
But what if we are miles away?
What if we can't be there on Christmas day?
His belly's getting bigger,
And his hair is turning white.
His eyes shine and sparkle
Like the stars on Christmas night.
Perfect for both kids and adults at Christmas - great fun. Best wishes, Ann D Stevenson
At Christmas, lights burn brighter,
and friendly hugs get even tighter.
The spirit of Christmas fills the air,
and people seem to really care.
Famous Poem
A man is at his finest
towards the finish of the year;
He is almost what he should be
when the Christmas season is here;
This poem by Edgar Guest touches my heart on so many levels! He speaks from his higher self, a heart-centered place which all of us are capable of living from and not just at Christmas time. ...
The nights are long and cold; the sun is hardly around.
Christmas time is approaching, and snow will soon cover the ground.
Trees and lights are twinkling; stockings are being hung.
The Christmas spirit is all around as carols are being sung.
I lost my Daddy July 1st of this year (2018). We, as a family, do not really know how to do Christmas this year. Do we stay with tradition or do we try something different? The thought of not...
For all of the presents
You put under the tree,
For all of the times
You picked up after me...
I had to send this poem to my older brother, Mike, after I read it! The poet describes everything about his mother exactly as if we were talking to our own mom! She passed on in the spring of...
Mama told me a story a long, long time ago, not like any that I'd ever heard,
all about a little girl mama used to know, how I remember every word.
Seems like a lifetime ago, though I remember it so well.
It was a Christmas Eve I'll never forget as far as I can tell.
I love this poem. It touched me in the heart. I read it and wept; I love this poem. This made me change my heart and perspective of Christmas and its true meaning. Thanks for making me change...
I found a little Christmas card.
‘Twas in a box of stuff.
I opened it and read it.
Its verse was written thus.
Excellent. I lost my father 4 years ago, and ever since, I have been saving Christmas Cards given to me by my mother. At age 85, there is no guarantee she will be here this or next Christmas....