Christmas Poem

I was sitting at my computer thinking, "What's wrong with the world?" We are more worried about banning a Christmas song than all of the truly bad things happening in our world. Then these words came to me, so I had to write them down.

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It's a perfect composition for Christmas Eve. The birth of Jesus is the epitome of love, along with his messages and sacrifice for his children. His teachings should be imbibed in our life...

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The True Christmas Spirit


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2019 with permission of the Author.

A long time ago, down Bethlehem way,
A star shown in the night sky as bright as the day.
The shepherds were watching their flocks with care
When a host of angels appeared in the air,

Proclaiming the son of God had been born
To deliver our souls on that cold Christmas morn.
You will find him wrapped in swaddling clothes,
Lying in a manger while the cattle lows.

A few short decades later, he died on a cross.
Without his sacrifice, we would all be lost.
So as you're running around, buying gifts and treats
To have a big party when your family meets,

Stop and remember why we celebrate this day,
It's not about gifts and food and games to play.
I think of that; we all have enough.
When you think about it, it's all just stuff.

The gift of love is what Jesus gave,
And salvation the day he arose from the grave.
To love each other is all that he asks.
I know that at times that can be a big task.

Just humble yourself and look all around.
I think what you find will be profound.
There are many who can only afford the gift of love.
No presents, no tree with a star up above.

Look into your life, and you will find you are blessed
By many who love you; that gift is the best.
So when it comes time to bless your meal,
Ask for your family to be blessed as well.

Not with gifts or money or material stuff,
but that love and tolerance will be enough.
Remember the loved ones who cannot be there,
But rejoice they're in heaven and not suffering here.

And when you see someone who is down and out,
Don't put them down or have any doubt.
Just do what you think Jesus would do.
Give what you can to help them get through.

If they misuse it, that's between them and God.
In Jesus' eyes you have done your job.
God bless you and enjoy your family Christmas day,
May peace, love, and happiness come your way.


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  • Saswati Mishra by Saswati Mishra
  • 5 years ago

It's a perfect composition for Christmas Eve. The birth of Jesus is the epitome of love, along with his messages and sacrifice for his children. His teachings should be imbibed in our life...

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