1. Officially Overboard...
The kitten's in pajamas,
The puppy wears a bow.
Dad's dressed just like a candy cane:
Red stripes from head to toe.
In today's world we are inundated with images of Christmas from the media. We are told that it is all about buying expensive gifts for each other. In today's challenging economic times it is a tragedy that parents spend way more than they can afford to try to please their children. The sad truth is that, "money can't buy you love". A holiday is about the time spent together with loved ones. It is about gifts that come from the heart, and it is the about the thousands of years of tradition that mark the holiday season.
The kitten's in pajamas,
The puppy wears a bow.
Dad's dressed just like a candy cane:
Red stripes from head to toe.
Pure delight reading this poem. I am sitting here with a great big smile on my face. Thank you. Very best wishes, Ann.
Winter time is here again, the trees are all but bare
It's time to don the scarves and boots, & warmer things to wear.
Bikinis, shorts and summer tops, have all been packed away
They won't see the light again, till next year's summer's day.
Christmas here once more,
hard to ignore, festive
wreaths on every door.
I really loved this Poem! If you would ever ask me, Christmas is my FAVORITE holiday and it is the best time of year! My favorite thing about Christmas is the family being together and...
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the hills
The kinfolk were drinkin' and tending their stills
The longjohns were hung by the chimney with care
Once upon a time
In a faraway Land
A little King was born
In a place called Bethlehem
(sung to the tune of "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year") - with apologies to Andy Williams
It's the most fattening time of the year
There'll be pizza and dim sum, oh yes, please, I'll have some
Thanks for the laugh. I love your version of the song, and your clever lyrics fit perfectly. To me, it's especially funny because it is so relatable (sigh), and I think we have a similar...
I shall wrap myself in a blanket of Christmas
Where all is hushed and still,
Save for the tiny sound of a baby's breath
Born to bring peace and goodwill.
C - Christ is born in Bethlehem this night.
H - Holy Child, God's Heavenly Light.
R - Rejoicing in song by angels at His birth.
I - Illumination of a star from Heaven to Earth.
The golden lights are twinkling
With Christmas in the air;
Bing Crosby sweetly singing,
And snowflakes in my hair.
You could have written this poem for me - it will be my first Christmas without my husband. I've written a similar poem myself, but if you check it out you will find it's not as good as...
Prayers and songs sung
To praise His holy name
A nativity scene began
The scene we've come to claim
This poem represents a fresh look at an ancient story that is so full of hope.
Do you feel the joy when silver bells are ringing
and when you hear the voices of Christmas carolers singing?
Do you feel in awe of the night sky's brightest star,
and feel the blessing that Christmas brings deep inside your heart?
He’s coming! He’s coming!
Santa Claus is on his sleigh!
He’s coming! He’s coming!
Magic reindeer – up and away!
Baby Jesus, child of love,
born of Mary, child of God,
born this night to bring us light,
God with us, Emmanuel.
A great Light has dawned -
For all mankind tonight.
Over a humble, old stable,
The Christ star shines bright.
I lie here awake, afraid to sleep.
I've prayed the Lord my soul to keep.
My stocking is hung on my bed,
Really brother's long sock instead.
Invited to the manger with the shepherds and the sheep
to visit, to behold, to glory, to believe.
The Savior is born for the nations and for me!
But what gift might I bring?
Christmas time is almost here
As the snow falls gently to the ground
Families will come together far and near
Three wise men followed
Yonder star that starry night
Shepherds watched their flocks
Angles sang with delight
Oh, to capture Christmas
In the palm of one's hand;
To clasp, like a jeweled strand,
Every memory dear and grand.
Famous Poem
Star of the East, that long ago
Brought wise men on their way
Where, angels singing to and fro,
The Child of Bethlehem lay—