21. The Driving Test
I've got my driving test today,
Am I worried? O sure, I would say,
And I know that I really look a fright,
I have not slept a wink all night,
I've got my driving test today,
Am I worried? O sure, I would say,
And I know that I really look a fright,
I have not slept a wink all night,
I remember it well! You have captured it all beautifully. Very best wishes, Ann.
A sleek and smart device,
Is taking everything out.
Little things and big things,
It's looking more like a rout.
Famous Poem
There was a little comet who lived near the Milky Way!
She loved to wander out at night and jump about and play.
The mother of the comet was a very good old star;
Pretty little high heels,
How you look so grand.
I can remember when I wore you
And I could proudly stand.
It wasn't that we hated school.
The creek enticed us more.
My mate and I hung out there
To chase frogs, catch fish, explore.
How high's the snowfall, Mama?
"One foot high and rising!"
I'll eat my food and watch the game.
My horse is there in front of me
Clip-cloppin' down the road.
He stops and flips his tail straight up
And drops another load.
They said I was an "old fart"
But I hardly think that's true
My boobs were done in '75
But my teeth and knees are new.
I see you standing there.
I feel your eyes on me.
I resume my tasks, but there you are.
Spring has sprung, the time has come, for the greening of the trees
A time of change, renewal and growth for my allergies
Like everything else in this great world, Spring has its pluses and minuses
But its features are quite singular when it comes to my poor sinuses
There once was a girl named Sue.
She came down with the case of the flu.
She let out a sigh,
"My temperature is high,
Famous Poem
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there 's a pair of us — don't tell!
They 'd banish us, you know.