Humorous Poem

Funny Poem About Giving Up Things As You Age

I wrote this poem because my whole life I loved my high heels. Getting older, they are now a thing of the past. Just putting some humor in something that as a young woman had such great importance to me.

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Pretty Little High Heels

© more by Marla J. Frazier

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2020 with permission of the Author.

Pretty little high heels,
How you look so grand.
I can remember when I wore you
And I could proudly stand.

Now you look kind of scary,
Sitting on my closet shelf.
I want to put you on,
But I don't trust myself.

Just a few short years ago,
I could wear you and actual walk.
But now that's just a memory
Of which I happily talk.

Oh, my little high heels,
I did not have a clue
That one day you would frighten me
And I would stay away from you.

I'm seeing that my golden years
Are robbing me of things like you.
Now I shop in the senior section,
Something I thought I'd never do.

It's not that I don't love you,
But I'm up against a wall,
For to wear you once again
Would mean a nasty fall.

I still dream of wearing you,
But to flats I am bound,
For they're the only shoes I trust
To keep me firmly on the ground.



I just love writing poems! I have always had the sincere desire that my words would be able to help another person. To lift them up, to inspire them, and to help them through a difficult time. That is my hope, that my words would reach those that are hurting.

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