1. In Time's Swing
Famous Poem
Father Time, your footsteps go
Lightly as the falling snow.
In your swing I'm sitting, see!
Push me softly; one, two; three,
The power, ingenuity, and sheer beauty found in nature has always fascinated mankind. When we look at powerful ocean waves rolling in, we cannot help but feel small and powerless in comparison. Mighty trees in a vast forest inspire feelings of insignificance and awe. Animal mothers taking care of their young make us question the cruelty with which we sometimes treat one another. The truth is, nature can teach us many valuable lessons. It can also lead us to wonder, did this beautiful earth with all of its natural treasures come about by chance or was it created?
Famous Poem
Father Time, your footsteps go
Lightly as the falling snow.
In your swing I'm sitting, see!
Push me softly; one, two; three,
Famous Poem
O little wave, you come from far,
Over the sky-line yonder.
Why do you hurry across the bar
And fight with the wind, I wonder?
Famous Poem
A world of snow, and winter yet,
The weather-man decrees.
He listens to the bragging wind,
I hearken roots of trees.
Famous Poem
The laughing months have all tripped gaily by,
With flower entangled hair, lips thrilled with song;
But lingering behind the merry throng
Comes one with smile more sad than any sigh,
Famous Poem
I went to see a waterfall
When days were dull of song.
And to its jubilant wild voice
I listened deep and long.
Famous Poem
I dare not look away
From beauty such as this,
Lest, while my glance should stray,
Some loveliness I miss.
Famous Poem
So bright in death I used to say,
So beautiful through frost and cold!
A lovelier thing I know to-day,
The leaf is growing old,
Famous Poem
Last night we saw the sunlight fall
Beyond the gate and old stone wall,
And brighten on the stocks of wheat,
Ripe after days of brooding heat;
Famous Poem
A bursting into greenness;
A waking as from sleep;
A twitter and a warble
That make the pulses leap:
Famous Poem
When some one has slipped you the dirk in the dark,
When eyes that are loving are lies,
When some one you trusted has made you a mark,
And somehow the heart in you dies,
Famous Poem
Their faint "honk-honk" announces them,
The geese when they come flying north;
Above the far horizon's hem
From out the south they issue forth.
Famous Poem
Dear March—Come in—
How glad I am—
I hoped for you before—
Put down your Hat—
Famous Poem
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Famous Poem
The golden sea its mirror spreads
Beneath the golden skies,
And but a narrow strip between
Of earth and shadow lies.
Famous Poem
The woodpecker pecked out a little round hole
And made him a house in the telephone pole.
One day when I watched he poked out his head,
Famous Poem
Full of joy is early Summer,
Growth and warmth and golden light;
Every day is crowned with beauty,
Full of loveliness the night.
Famous Poem
"Come, little leaves," said the wind one day.
"Come o'er the meadows with me, and play'
Put on your dress of red and gold,—
Summer is gone, and the days grow cold."
Famous Poem
The winter wood is like a strong old man,
Grizzled, rugged, and gray,
With long white locks tattered by many storms.
He lifts gnarled arms defiant of the blasts,
Famous Poem
How I love to hear the rustle of the leaves upon the trees
When the foliage of summer is a moving in the breeze
When the oak and beech and maple are a tuning up the air
As they hear the quaking aspen sending signals everywhere.
Famous Poem
When a feller feels a longing
For the medder in his breast.
When the robins north are thronging,
Where they haste to build their nest.