Famous Nature Poem

"The Music of the Trees" by Charles A. Heath celebrates the captivating symphony created by the rustling leaves in the forest. It portrays the trees as a musical band, with the wind as the conductor, orchestrating a composition that soothes and comforts. The poem emphasizes the accessibility and beauty of nature's melodies, as even a child can appreciate their meaning. The sounds of the rustling leaves serve as a source of solace and escape, transporting listeners from the troubles of the world. The poem invites readers to pause, listen, and find joy in the harmonies of the natural world, reminding us of the restorative power of nature's music.

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Famous Poem

The Music Of The Trees


How I love to hear the rustle of the leaves upon the trees
When the foliage of summer is a moving in the breeze
When the oak and beech and maple are a tuning up the air
As they hear the quaking aspen sending signals everywhere.

The deciduous forest people are a music making band
With their symphonies so simple that a child can understand
For there's meaning in their rhythm and a pleasure 'mong the trees
When the wind is blowing through them and a stirring all the leaves.

There's an overture in whispers which is soothing to the ear
Then a chorus full of comfort just a chasing out your fear
As the louder it is sounding and the louder yet again
Till at last are joys abounding when it falls in sweet refrain.

Yes, it brings you heaps of solace when the wind is blowing soft
In a lullaby of nature which will bear you way aloft
Till you leave this world of trouble with its fretting and its care
As you listen to the rustle of the leaves a playing there.

O, I love to stop and hearken to the music of the trees
As the wind is soughing through them or a playing with the leaves
There's a harmony that holds you in the noises of the wood
Where I never tire of listening for it does a fellow good.


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