41. No Songs In Winter
Famous Poem
The sky is gray as gray may be,
There is no bird upon the bough,
There is no leaf on vine or tree.
Famous Poem
The sky is gray as gray may be,
There is no bird upon the bough,
There is no leaf on vine or tree.
Famous Poem
I came to the mountains for beauty
And I find here the toiling folk,
On sparse little farms in the valleys,
Wearing their days like a yoke.
Famous Poem
Across the lonely beach we flit,
One little sandpiper and I,
And fast I gather, bit by bit,
The scattered driftwood, bleached and dry.
Famous Poem
Out of a pellucid brook
Pebbles round and smooth I took :
Like a jewel, every one
Caught a color from the sun, —
Famous Poem
The golden sea its mirror spreads
Beneath the golden skies,
And but a narrow strip between
Of earth and shadow lies.
Famous Poem
The mountain sat upon the plain
In his eternal chair,
His observation omnifold,
His inquest everywhere.
Famous Poem
Full of joy is early Summer,
Growth and warmth and golden light;
Every day is crowned with beauty,
Full of loveliness the night.
Famous Poem
Out of the bosom of the Air,
Out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken,
Over the woodlands brown and bare,
Over the harvest-fields forsaken,
Famous Poem
When some one has slipped you the dirk in the dark,
When eyes that are loving are lies,
When some one you trusted has made you a mark,
And somehow the heart in you dies,
Famous Poem
The leaves are fading and falling,
The winds are rough and wild,
The birds have ceased their calling,
But let me tell, you my child,
Famous Poem
The winter wood is like a strong old man,
Grizzled, rugged, and gray,
With long white locks tattered by many storms.
He lifts gnarled arms defiant of the blasts,
Famous Poem
The birds laugh loud and long together
When Fashion's followers speed away
At the first cool breath of autumn weather.
Why, this is the time, cry the birds, to stay!
Famous Poem
A bursting into greenness;
A waking as from sleep;
A twitter and a warble
That make the pulses leap:
Famous Poem
I went to see a waterfall
When days were dull of song.
And to its jubilant wild voice
I listened deep and long.
Famous Poem
Last night we saw the sunlight fall
Beyond the gate and old stone wall,
And brighten on the stocks of wheat,
Ripe after days of brooding heat;
Famous Poem
I dare not look away
From beauty such as this,
Lest, while my glance should stray,
Some loveliness I miss.
Famous Poem
When a feller feels a longing
For the medder in his breast.
When the robins north are thronging,
Where they haste to build their nest.
Famous Poem
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;
And frogs in the pools singing at night,
Famous Poem
O little wave, you come from far,
Over the sky-line yonder.
Why do you hurry across the bar
And fight with the wind, I wonder?
Famous Poem
Beautiful, beautiful summer!
Odorous, exquisite June!
All the sweet roses in blossom,
All the sweet birdies in tune.