Famous Nature Poem

"Pebbles" by Frank Dempster Sherman (1860 -1916) celebrates the beauty and diversity of pebbles found in a clear brook. Each pebble reflects the sunlight, displaying vibrant colors reminiscent of precious gemstones. The poem attributes the craftsmanship to the patient work of water, which tirelessly polishes the pebbles until they shine. The brook's song conveys the message that patience can overcome any obstacle.

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Famous Poem



Out of a pellucid brook
Pebbles round and smooth I took :
Like a jewel, every one
Caught a color from the sun, —
Ruby red and sapphire blue,
Emerald and onyx too,
Diamond and amethyst, —
Not a precious stone I missed :
Gems I held from every land
In the hollow of my hand.
Workman Water these had made ;
Patiently through sun and shade,
With the ripples of the rill
He had polished them until,
Smooth, symmetrical and bright,
Each one sparkling in the light
Showed within its burning heart
All the lapidary’s art ;
And the brook seemed thus to sing :
Patience conquers everything !


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