Famous Nature Poem

In "November" by Alice Cary (1820-1871) , the poet uses vivid imagery and personification to convey a message of hope and resilience. The fading leaves, rough winds, and silent birds symbolize the onset of winter and the hardships it brings. However, the poet reassures the child that beneath the cold and darkness, the roots of the bright red roses remain alive in the snow, symbolizing the persistence of beauty and life even in difficult times. The poem employs repetition, such as the phrase "let me tell you, my child," to emphasize the message and create a sense of guidance and reassurance. The contrast between the current bleakness and the anticipated return of spring further reinforces the theme of cyclical renewal and the inevitability of better times. Overall, the poem encourages resilience and optimism in the face of adversity.

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Famous Poem



The leaves are fading and falling,
   The winds are rough and wild,
The birds have ceased their calling,
   But let me tell, you my child,

Though day by day, as it closes,
   Doth darker and colder grow,
The roots of the bright red roses
   Will keep alive in the snow.

And when the Winter is over,
   The boughs will get new leaves,
The quail come back to the clover,
   And the swallow back to the eaves.

The robin will wear on his bosom
   A vest that is bright and new,
And the loveliest way-side blossom
  Will shine with the sun and dew.

The leaves to-day are whirling,
   The brooks are all dry and dumb,
But let me tell, you my darling,
   The Spring will be sure to come.

There must be rough, cold weather,
   And winds and rains so wild;
Not all good things together
   Come to us here, my child.

So, when some dear joy loses
   Its beauteous summer glow,
Think how the roots of the roses
   Are kept alive in the snow.


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